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Thursday, October 24, 2019

MSDE to Enhance Instruction about Holocaust in Public Schools

 Curricula Being Revised to Raise Awareness

BALTIMORE (October 23, 2019) – Maryland State Department of Education officials have announced that they intend to adopt a number of changes to enhance and expand required Holocaust instruction in the state’s public schools.

The planned changes include requiring Holocaust instruction within the state’s new 4th and 5th grade social studies framework, teaching about the roots of Antisemitism, and strengthening the required Holocaust instruction in both high school U.S. history and high school modern world history.

Dr. Karen B. Salmon, Superintendent of Schools, also pledged to work with the state’s 24 local school systems to ensure that professional learning opportunities are created so teachers have the tools necessary to teach the Holocaust with confidence.

“We strongly believe there is a need to enhance Holocaust education in our state, so that all children learn about this horrific event and ensure it never happens again,” Dr. Salmon said. “We see the changes that we are making as a substantive improvement over the current objectives and frameworks.”

Dr. Salmon announced the changes in response to concerns about Maryland’s Holocaust education requirements raised earlier this year by members of the General Assembly, the Baltimore Jewish Council, and the Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Washington.


  1. Local ignoramus ashanti needs to attend. She once compared American prisons to concentration camps. She is either a total ignoramus or a liar. I suspect she is both but either way the lying ignoramus needs some schooling on the Holocaust so she stops showing her utter stupidity.

  2. Anonymous said...
    It's about time.

    October 24, 2019 at 10:23 AM

    Why? Are you that naive? If you don't think there is an ulterior motive then you are too stupid to vote!

  3. Better keep an eye on this these luciferian communist will continue to fill young brains with lies and deception. Re writing history to the communist idealogies is already underway..


  4. I am extremely surprised that the Maryland Department of Education would actually do the right thing.

  5. Look at who writes the text books. Are you surprised.
    30 years ago my school went on a field trip to the Holocaust museum. We also learned that the annihilation of the Native Americans was called manifest destiny. The American concentration camps were called internment camps. We never touched on the fact that the nation of Israel was created by America on already occupied land.
    Public education should be called what it is. Indoctrination camp.

  6. 2:38 were you around for any of that? No, so you are making judgements based on information supplied to you by others. For those of us who were alive during that time, we know better.


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