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Thursday, October 10, 2019


There are a couple of seats left, reserve a seat and/or get details by sending email to donothing.loseall@gmail.com. Bus will pick-up at convenient locations in West Ocean City, Salisbury and Easton.  

This country is at a crossroads, we will get the government that we earn.  Our email address and facebook page is Do Nothing Lose All, and that sentiment never has been any truer. 

For those who sign up:
1)The ride will be comfortable and relaxing, and we will have water and light snacks for you. 
2)You can bring a small cooler on the bus, but no pop-tops, screw caps only. 
3)Please be extra neat when eating on bus . . . no crumbs, spills, litter. 
4)There is storage under the bus for those who bring larger items such as chairs, signs. 
5)We will ‘pass the hat’ for the driver . . . we were given a generous discount on the bus fee, so please make sure you have some cash for the tip. 
6)On the bus we will announce the time and place to re-board. 
7)Make sure that you have the cell number of our 'emergency contact' in your phone, and that he has your cell number.  Put the 'emergency' number in your phone NOW - - Brian 410-251-3585 - - in case you have to cancel at the last minute or have a problem getting to the bus.  We will get your phone number when you board the bus in case we need to get in touch with you at the rally. 
8)BE ON TIME.  We cannot guarantee that we can wait for you if you are even a few minutes late.  Be on the West OC bus at 6 AM ready to go, be waiting for the bus in Salisbury (by Boscovs in the mall) at 6:30, be waiting for the bus in Easton (Park and Ride, MD 404 and Route 50 westbound) at 7:15. 
9)It is highly recommended that you bring a couple of sandwiches to have on the bus and/or at the rally.  We are talking 6 am to 5’ish PM for many of us, bring enough to eat. 
10)Because we are picking up at three locations and folks will board and disembark at different times - - and considering the bridge delay, the rush hour traffic, and the early start of the rally - - it probably is not practical to make a stop at a fast food place as we’ve done in the past, so supply your cooler accordingly. 
1)Dress appropriately: the bus will drop us as close to the rally as allowable, but needless to say we will be doing some walking and standing  . . . wear comfortable shoes/sneakers.  And wear ‘layers’ . . . it likely will be chilly/cold in the morning, but if it warms up you should be able to take off an outer layer. You don’t want to be too cold - - or too warm - - so dress accordingly. 
2)Bring water and snacks to the rally as needed. We recommend that you bring several granola bars/protein bars or the like . . . easy to carry and filling.  
3)Get back to the bus on time!  The walk to the rally will be the same distance/time as the walk back to the bus will be, so you will know how long it will take to get back to the bus. 
4)Bringing signs, chairs, is up to you.

NOTE FOR WEST OC RIDERS: 'Caribbean Joe's' in the Alamo complex (where we will disembark from the bus, 5'ish) has a great burger special . . . several of us are stopping in for a burger social . . . join us!


  1. Sounds awesome

    shame I'm working

    we would love to attend

  2. Northwest Woodsman: Don’t forget the pitch forks and torches. Scare marxists to the point they wet their pants.

  3. Will be with you all in spirit; good luck and thanks for carrying the torch.


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