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Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Kirwan’s Dreamworld

In a utopian world, there is plenty of money for everybody’s priorities. All public services can be funded, we can spend unlimited resources on education, and everything will be rainbows and ponies.

That’s not the real world, but it appears to be the world the Kirwan Commission lives in.

The funding workgroup of the Kirwan Commission released its funding recommendations today. They are clearly not based on any fiscal realities.

We’ve spoken ad nauseum about the state-level funding requirements. We’ve already noted that the working group stacked with tax-and-spend Democrats beholden to the Maryland State Education Association was already planting a budget bomb that would require a 10% increase in state spending and over $6,000 a year in new state taxes. But not being content with increasing state taxes, the working group has decided that county-level taxes aren’t high enough either based on the county-level funding requirements under the Kirwan recommendations.



  1. Yep packing up and selling while i still can..dont want to stay in this mess of a state nor retire here..greedy fools sticking it to the working class..

  2. The Democratic dominated Kirwan Commission will tell you that they were not charged with coming up with a means to fund what they proposed. They were only charged to tell us how much will be needed to fulfill their recommendations. The Democratically controlled General Assembly will now tell you what state taxes they will raise and mandate counties to raise their taxes to come up with the difference. Note:Democrats in charge of General Assembly when initiating the failed Thornton Commission. Democrats still in charge of the General Assembly and now initiating the Kirwan Commission Tax Plan. Yet Marylander's will still vote these Democrats in because that is the way their parents voted and that's the way they will vote regardless of the issue. Good Luck Maryland. You reap what you sow.

  3. HOGAN is all for this. He will not oppose more taxes and spending accountability on the money they have already.


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