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Thursday, October 24, 2019

Jury Rules Against Texas Dad Fighting 7-Year-Old Son’s Chemical Castration


  1. Because once again, the courts are showing you it is not about helping you or what is best with your child, it is what they want, their will they press on you people... You people are really stupid to the fact that this will cause mental problems down the road for this kid... But this guy should have known this was a waste of time, outside of the mom being a crack head, even then the courts will still side with the mother, always have and always will...

  2. OMG!! It was bad enough when the STUPID courts ruled that a mother could abort (MURDER) a full term baby. But now parents are being allowed to change a childs gender?? These courts should be OVERRULED and considered ABUSE and this not allowed. A 7 yr. old child does not have the mental capability of even knowing what is happening to him. THIS IS ABUSE!! I FIND IT APPALLING THAT OUR GREAT COUNTRY IS GOING TO HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Maybe i not normal but didnt we all play dress up (wore my moms shoes), or play with gi joes during childhood at some point..im not gay nor confused. I just think its a natural thing to want to emulate your mom during those early years but, to indulge in the fantasy is absurd at that early age. And is child abuse

  4. The damn problem here is, the fact that this kid on his own doesn't think or believe he is a girl, only when his mom forces it on him and makes him think and be a girl... That is the difference and the problem here... If the kid thought that for him self by himself I can maybe see, but the fact that his mom forces it on him is the problem... And as usual, all courts side with the mother in all cases!!! Hell practically in heroin addict cases too... it is very hard to prove a moth is unfit in the eyes of the judge or court, yet a woman can make shit up about the father and everyone thinks he is a POS... Like in child support cases... They never think the woman is or can be vindictive and doing it for spite... NO it has to be the father is a dead beat, when that is not always the case...

  5. 2:47 they can be overruled it is called jury nullification... look it up...


  6. Another source said the boy is a twin but the mother has been telling him since age 3 he is a girl, and is now trying to chemically make that come partially true.

    Have no clue about the virtues of the father but the mother is clearly nuts. The authorities need to intervene.


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