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Tuesday, October 15, 2019

It's only $4.99. But Costco's rotisserie chicken comes at a huge price

At the back of Costco's stores, past the televisions, jewelry, jumbo-sized ketchup jugs and tubs of mixed nuts, is one of the retailer's most prized items: The rotisserie chicken that costs just $4.99.

Cheap Kirkland Signature rotisserie chickens aren't only a quick way for families to get dinner on the table. For Costco, the chickens are a lure, pulling customers into stores and getting them to browse the aisles, adding sometimes hundreds of dollars worth of items to their shopping carts before they pick up that bird.

The chickens have become almost a cult item. 91 million were sold last year, double the number from a decade earlier. They have their own Facebook page with nearly 13,000 followers.



  1. Sams club rotisserie chicken is the best deal in salisbury. They always sell out as soon as they cook em.

  2. Food Lion in Ocean Pines sells out every evening, get there early or you are gonna be out of luck. They are delicious!!

  3. No doubt Sams is the best deal. But it is $7.99 at food lion. And 2 for $10.00 this weekend at ACME. It cost me more than $3.00 to drive to Sams, plus I'm not a member. I will stick to the Food lion only 1 mile from where I live.
    Plus, I buy a Rotisserie chicken for no more than 2 meals. It's no good after a day or 2. So it's almost like buying fast food. I don't linger in the store buying anything else.

    1. Damn! Thanks for your life story.

  4. Read the label on that rotisserie chicken folks. A significant part of the weight of that bird is not chicken. It's a solution of salt and chemicals that the bird is soaked in for a longer shelf life. The only chicken I eat is 100% chicken. Just read the label. Most folks have no idea they are eating a bird that is loaded with preservatives and salt. What I'm talking about is 15% of that bird is not "chicken." Not a good deal for me, or my family. Just convenient, like any other fast food, and not good for you. But busy moms never read the label.

  5. I only ate those rotisserie chickens until I read the label.

  6. Don't buy food lion rotisserie chicken!! It's nothing but a greasy slimy piece of meat.


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