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Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Iowa Dems: Biden Could Suffer Humiliating Loss in State

Eleven senior Democrats in Iowa, citing former Vice President Joe Biden’s poorly organized campaign operation, are warning he is risking a humiliating third or fourth-place finish in the state early next year, Bloomberg is reporting.

They claim his campaign operation has failed to engage with voters and party leaders in the state in advance of the Feb. 3 caucuses.

“I think it’s fair to say if action isn’t taken soon, you’re going to find that a person who was 7 or 14 points behind Biden will be breathing down his neck or actually ahead of him,” said Kurt Meyer, chairman of the Mitchell County Democratic Party.

A defeat in Iowa would cut into Biden’s argument that is he best suited to defeat President Donald Trump, Bloomberg said.



  1. At this point, Biden is incapable of humiliation.

  2. 10:14 is correct. I don't know of any Democrat that can be humiliated. Just look at Pelosi, Schumer, and Schiff.


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