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Wednesday, October 23, 2019

House slows impeachment probe amidst Cummings commemorations

WASHINGTON – The nation’s capital and the late Elijah Cummings’s hometown of Baltimore are observing three days of commemorations of his life this week, slightly slowing the House impeachment inquiry.

But Cummings’s oversight panel intends to carry on his work, Acting Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney, D-New York, said.

“The work of the Committee on Oversight and Reform will continue uninterrupted despite our heavy hearts – as Chairman Cummings would have wanted,” Maloney said in a statement Monday. “We will continue to pursue the impeachment inquiry with vigor in support of the investigation led by the Intelligence Committee.”

House investigators scheduled just two interviews this week: William Taylor, the acting U.S. ambassador to Ukraine testified behind closed doors Tuesday, and Laura Cooper, deputy assistant secretary of defense for Ukraine, Russia and the Balkans, is set to appear Wednesday.



  1. Trump lifts sanctions on Syrian and Turkey. Likely ordered by his boss Putin.

    1. not gay and very proudOctober 23, 2019 at 1:40 PM


      takes special education classes due to its mental health

  2. 12:19 No ordered by us the American people because we are sick of seeing our boys killed for no reason!

    1. Except for the vast majority that punched their own ticket.

  3. He lived. He died. In between he did absolutely nothing for his people he was suppose to represent.

  4. So let me get this straight...
    One can be the leader - a leader among leaders - of a relatively small section of Baltimore, turn it into the most dirty, poverty-stricken, lawless, dangerous neighborhood in Maryland, an area where citizens are afraid to leave their houses day or night, and you will be praised and given the honor of having a State Funeral?
    All the while having the funds and wherewithal to change things for the better.
    What the hell am I working so hard for?? It looks like I'd do much better working for the government and failing than I would being as a private, concerned citizen and making a difference.
    This country is nuts.

  5. cummings in burning in hell. He was not a good man. He was corrupt he was a liar and he did nothing positive ever in his life. He only won because he was black and blacks always vote stupidly He was a slave gatekeeper who kept the blacks in his district herded up and corraled in the poverty stricken crime ridden ghettos of Baltimore. But the bottom line. Blacks who voted for him deserve to wallow in the filth. And deserve the crime. And deserve to bury their youth. Elections have consequences and when you vote stupidly you get what you deserve and nothing more.

  6. 12:19?? I can see you NEVER served in the middle East. But I did. I can honestly say you have no idea WTF you're talking about.

  7. Northwest Woodsman: other than his production of carbon dioxide from breathing and methane from passing gas, I doubt if he made any other significant contributions to society. Hard to believe anyone, even a Marxist democrat could say anything good about him.

  8. When family members of mine were in the final hours of dying from cancer, they were either in intense, excruciating pain or drugged and incoherent. Since Mr Cummings allegedly died of cancer, I'm curious who signed the deathbed subpoenas for him. His wife? His staffers?

  9. Hell, I'm surprised he's not still voting in the House. Dead democrats are always voting in elections.


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