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Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Hornberger: The Evil Of The Drug War

With the exception of the U.S. national-security state and its foreign policy of empire and intervention and its torture, state-sponsored assassinations, coups, alliances with dictatorial regimes, invasions, occupations, wars of aggression, illegal and unconstitutional wars, mass secret surveillance, indefinite detention, secret prison camps, drug experimentation on unsuspecting people, denial of due process, denial of trial by jury, kangaroo military tribunals, and other dark-side practices, it would be difficult to find a better example of an evil and immoral program than the war on drugs.

1. Everyone, including the most ardent drug-war proponent, agrees that this decades-long program has failed to achieve its goal, which is a drug-free society.

2. If failure was the only consequence of this program, that would be one thing. But it’s not. Drug laws have brought Into existence drug gangs, drug cartels, gang wars, drug assassinations, drug kidnappings, burglaries, robberies, murders, muggings, and official corruption.

3. The drug war is also the most racially bigoted government program since segregation, perhaps even more so. Under segregation, government officials used the force of law to keep the races separated, but at least they permitted blacks to keep living in the community. With drug laws, they have been able to remove blacks entirely from communities and relocate them into places called penitentiaries, where they are forced to spend a large portion of their lives. They have also been able to use drug laws to harass, abuse, insult, and humiliate African-Americans, Latinos, and other racial minorities.

That’s not to say, of course, that all law-enforcement agents and all judges are racially bigoted. It is simply to say that for those who are racially bigoted, the drug war is like heaven on earth, in that it enables them to exercise their bigotry in a legal manner and even get praised for it.

4. The drug war has played a major role in the destruction of liberty in America. Just think: They actually put people into jail for doing nothing more than ingesting a substance that politicians and bureaucrats, both at the state and federal level, don’t approve of.


  1. Wait what this is the free free country on the entire earth. We cant put something in our bodies the gov doesnt agree with? Prohibition of alcohol worked so well, hello Al Capone, and the prohibition of drugs is working just as well, hello El Chapo. Thanks to our founding fathers we inherited the most free liberty orientated tax less gov in history of man kind.

    Somehow the generations within the last 50 years completely changed it, re-invented it, demolished it and ruined it, yet they are to blind to see it. Instead they blame everything on todays teens.

  2. Prohibition never works. It tends to create more problems than the originals.


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