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Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Higher Education’s Effort to Rid Itself of Conservatives and Conservative Thought

Higher education prides itself on two overarching values: supporting the marketplace of ideas and academic freedom. But there has been an increasing and unremitting effort to eliminate conservatives and conservative thought in the humanities and social sciences in the American academy.

Channeling the late civil rights advocate President John F. Kennedy, who said “Are we to say to the world — and much more importantly, to each other — that this is the land of the free, except for the Negro?”

Today, he would have said of colleges and universities, “Are we to say to the world — and much more importantly, to each other — higher education today is for diversity and equity except for conservatives?”



  1. Conservative thought values faith over fact.

  2. Correct, I have no room for Jethro the 3 toothed racist in my classes.

  3. This is not about banning conservatives. Its about protecting academia from a mantra of buffoons who believe in simply making up their own stories to back ill-concieved theories rather than actually consulting facts. Want an example: if you believe and support half the crud Trump says,despite the fact that his is easily and often proven wrong when one consults the facts, then you sir/madam should never be allowed to have your voice heard on campus.

  4. If the government both federal and state would stop funding these daycares. ALL THIS ASININE THOUGHT PROCESS WILL GO AWAY.

  5. 1258, thank you for proving how close minded, intolerant, smug, self righteous, and fascist the left can be. I know not everyone on the left is as hateful as you, but that you are evidently influential over young, malleable minds, our fears of what goes on in the classroom have been confirmed.

  6. How is that working for you? Poorly educated graduates, cheating by schools or tests, and students committing violence against students and teachers. The government schools have failed and do not deserve the huge amounts of money that they are gifted with poor oversight.

  7. These places are like gated communities, lock the gate and your doors, and live in your own little world. But when you finally leave your little narrow minded safe space, remember, we're out here waiting for you.

  8. No federal money to any school systems and the problem Will right itself


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