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Sunday, October 27, 2019

Greta: Fox News’ Wallace Wants to ‘Smear and Cause Trouble’ with Anonymous Impeachment Claim

Gray TV’s Full Court Press host Greta Van Susteren has slammed her former Fox News Channel colleague Christopher Wallace for withholding his source while reporting that a “well-connected Republican” told him the GOP could vote to impeach President Donald Trump.

“Chris Wallace should know better than to use anonymous ‘well connected Republican’ – he should name names or not say this at all as without the identity (what is a ‘welll [sic] connected??’),” Van Susteren wrote on Twitter Sunday. “[I]ts purpose is merely to smear and cause trouble – name names or don’t say this at all.”

Van Susteren joined Fox News Channel following a contract-bidding war in 2002, where she hosted On the Record w/ Greta Van Susteren until 2016.



  1. Nice. "Unless it's positive information about the dear leader, keep your mouth shut".

    This isn't news. "News" is some of the GOP voting to impeach.

    "Shut up and know your role" is not news.

    1. Without the gestapo media covering up for them the Democrat party could not exist

  2. Let me guess he lives in Utah ?

  3. Chris Wallace will be the next to leave "Trump Campaign TV reality show network"

    1. 9:08 Maybe to join the Clinton News Network🤔


  4. Wallace is just like his father.. bushwhack interviews. He makes a long, accusative statement and leaves it to the 'guest' to refute it. Guilty unless he can prove himself innocent. That is hardly an 'interview'. And it always leaves a tarnish whether it's true or not. That's how the dems operate during election years also.

    The fact that he works for Fox News is irrelevant. He is what he is. He does have the occasional moment of sanity, but he is otherwise a bit of a jerk.

  5. If you can remember watching election night 2016 on Fox News it was very apparent that Chris Wallace thought Donald Trump was a pretender, an idiot and a fool and he stated so very clearly. Wallace is no neutral reporter.

  6. 11:13,...sometimes Fox journalists ( not opinion mongers) get it right

  7. If you really want to do something, contact by MAIL, not e-mail the following: Fox News
    1211 Avenue of the Americas
    New York, NY
    ATTN: Suzanne Scott - CEO Fox News

    So come on, take 5 minutes, write a reason why Wallace should go and mail it. Remember Shepard Smith? He got lettered!

  8. We have really dropped the bar in what constitutes a smear

  9. Wallace just wants to be accepted into the fraternity of liars known as the US main stream media and is seeking relevance.Wallace is part of the problem and identifies with these so called political elites, Democrats and Rhino republicans (Romneys) that hate Pres Trump. Pres Trump is for the hard working people of this country and the political elites cant stand it! These elites have been taking foreign and domestic bribes through so called foundations and selling our middle class out to china and other takers. As long as they get rich in the process -they could care less what it does to us!

  10. Wallace wants to look himself in the mirror and know that he is a truth teller

  11. @ Noble Reese

    " Pres Trump is for the hard working people of this country and the political elites cant stand it!"

    How? How is he?

    The Elites have been selling our middle class out to China? You mean, Capitalism and Corporations... don't you? Shareholder beholden corporations care about profits. That's it. Lower labor costs equal higher profits. Corporations and Capitalism have sent jobs to China. It's not some dark conspiracy kabaal.

    Trumps tax cuts for the rich didn't help the middle class.

    Tell me, specifically, what thing did Trump enact or do that helped you specifically? Not some vagueity, specifics please? I'm doubtful that you even know.

    I'm conservative, and voted for Trump... I can't stand him! He's embarrassing, a bully... who makes up derogatory nicknames for people then tweets and repeats other than a high school bully?! What about fiscal responsibility, and lowering the debt?

    You claim he's working hard for the people of this country, respectfully I say he's working for himself! Using his position to profit at his properties!

    As long as Trump gets rich in the process, he could care less what happens to anyone else.

    Remember he "only hires the very best people"... how many has he fired or have quit? If they were the best.. why is he bad mouthing them now?

    I can't understand... it's so much like that story, "The Emperor Wears No Clothes". I hope you all see it before it's too late.

  12. @ Noble Reese

    " Pres Trump is for the hard working people of this country and the political elites cant stand it!"

    How? How is he?

    The Elites have been selling our middle class out to China? You mean, Capitalism and Corporations... don't you? Shareholder beholden corporations care about profits. That's it. Lower labor costs equal higher profits. Corporations and Capitalism have sent jobs to China. It's not some dark conspiracy kabaal.

    Trumps tax cuts for the rich didn't help the middle class.

    Tell me, specifically, what thing did Trump enact or do that helped you specifically? Not some vagueity, specifics please? I'm doubtful that you even know.

    I'm conservative, and voted for Trump... I can't stand him! He's embarrassing, a bully... who makes up derogatory nicknames for people then tweets and repeats other than a high school bully?! What about fiscal responsibility, and lowering the debt?

    You claim he's working hard for the people of this country, respectfully I say he's working for himself! Using his position to profit at his properties!

    As long as Trump gets rich in the process, he could care less what happens to anyone else.

    Remember he "only hires the very best people"... how many has he fired or have quit? If they were the best.. why is he bad mouthing them now?

    I can't understand... it's so much like that story, "The Emperor Wears No Clothes". I hope you all see it before it's too late.

  13. With out Fox news there would be no Trump

  14. Wallace is just like daddy. A liberal stooge.


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