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Friday, October 25, 2019

Fake News Echo Chamber: NYT Prints Lies by Adam Schiff Witness Made in Secret Testimony

The New York Times on Wednesday published what would have been a major story on White House National Security Council (NSC) aide Kash Patel—if only it had been true.

The story, which relies on leaks from Democrats conducting the “impeachment inquiry” into President Donald Trump of testimony by one witness who had no firsthand knowledge of the allegations she was making, claims Patel had provided President Trump with documents on Ukraine and met with the president about them.

Citing as its sources “people briefed on the matter,” the Times’ Julian Barnes, Adam Goldman, and Nicholas Fandos wrote that Patel was referred to by President Trump as “one of his top Ukraine policy specialists” and that President Trump “wanted to discuss related documents with him.” The Times reporters claimed that Patel’s NSC and White House colleagues “grew alarmed” over all this.

Later in the Times piece, it became clear where exactly this allegation came from—Fiona Hill, a former Trump administration Russia hand, whom the Democrats have been relying on for testimony in the impeachment inquiry. Hill testified earlier this month in the secret room in the basement of the Capitol building from which Democrats have been running their private impeachment proceedings.



  1. NYT and WaPo are intelligence assets (propaganda). They were taken over many years ago.

  2. The purpose of discovery in a closed door interview/meeting allows for mistakes and assumptions to be corrected. The rules that are being followed were established by the Republicans under John Boehner. Get over it.

  3. ...

    FOX News ( Campaign netwrok ) are intelligence assets (propaganda). They were taken over many years ago.

  4. 10:37--
    Making up crap & leaking lies is not the same thing at all. SMH!


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