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Wednesday, October 09, 2019

ESPN ordered hosts to stay silent on Hong Kong protests after NBA-China fight

ESPN leadership has barred sports pundits from discussing China and Hong Kong's relationship on the network while the NBA conducts damage control over a Houston Rockets official praising Hong Kongers.

ESPN Senior News Director Chuck Salituro sent a memo to staff ordering all shows to avoid discussing the political tension between China and Hong Kong while reporting on the fallout from Houston Rockets General Manager Daryl Morey tweeting support for Hong Kong protesters resisting Chinese influence, according to Deadspin.

The tweet, posted Friday, caused an international incident between the NBA and one of its largest markets. The Chinese Basketball Association severed its ties with the Rockets organization, even though Morey deleted the tweet and apologized for causing offense.



  1. Apple also censored the Taiwan emoji in a bow to CHina

  2. So they are fine with you taking a knee against OUR national anthem but not with a player speaking their views on China. Add them to my boycott list.

  3. So now China knows that free speech and freedom of the press have a price tag. How long before they do this to MSM. We will all be hailing Jinping very soon.


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