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Thursday, October 03, 2019

Dems Target Mike Pompeo

In an effort to prop up their “whistleblower’s” false allegations, House Democrats have lashed out at Secretary of State Mike Pompeo over his refusal to submit to their subpoena demands. Following Pompeo’s statement that he would not let State Department staff be bullied by Democrats into testifying, three Democrat committee chairmen led by Rep. Adam “B Movie” Schiff cried foul, disingenuously claiming that this was evidence that Pompeo was the one who was “intimidat[ing] witnesses.” They warned, “Any effort to intimidate witnesses or prevent them from talking with Congress — including State Department employees — is illegal and will constitute evidence of obstruction of the impeachment inquiry.”

Naturally, the mainstream media is taking cues from Democrats and is now framing the normal job-related actions of high-ranking White House officials like Pompeo and Attorney General William Barr as somehow being evidence of corruption. For example, Pompeo is alleged to have engaged in misconduct for simply listening to President Donald Trump’s infamous July 25th phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Why would this be wrong? As The Wall Street Journal notes, “Shouldn’t a Secretary of State be on a call to the new President of an important country? U.S. foreign policy is the secretary’s job.”

Why are Democrats playing this vilification game?

More here


  1. Is there a Democrat who is not involved in the Ukraine corruption? Are all of them dirty? It is like they are the political mafia. Maybe they could be charged under RICO if the FBI weren't compromised.

    1. They are all Multi Millionaires now

      President Trump has exposed them

      This has been going on a long time

      one reason they are mad Hillary lost

      They are exposed....our tax dollars being wasted....

  2. Well Trump just publicly asked Ukraine and China to investigate the Bidens. Checkmated himself really.


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