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Monday, October 21, 2019

California governor pardons 3 convicted immigrants to help block deportations

California Gov. Gavin Newsom announced Friday he’s pardoning three immigrants who've been convicted of crimes as part of an effort to protect them from deportation to their home countries.

The three men -- originally from El Salvador, Iran and Cambodia --- broke the law as teens or young adults, served their sentences and have taken steps to rehabilitate themselves, the governor’s office said.

But Newsom’s pardons do not completely shield the men from deportation. The move instead erases the mens' criminal records to prevent past offenses from being considered in their deportation cases. All three men live in Los Angeles County and were brought to the U.S. legally as children, the governor’s office said.

“The Governor regards clemency as an important part of the criminal justice system that can incentivize accountability and rehabilitation, increase public safety by removing counterproductive barriers to successful reentry, and correct unjust results in the legal system,” a news release said.




  1. Actually I think this guy, Newsome, is high or deranged or some of the both. This is crazy behavior and what really knocks my socks off is this is not reported as insanity but some of Trump's actions are met with ridicule. The old double standard is alive and well; when some of these illegals commit mass murder then maybe citizens will see the light.

  2. Counterproductive is an operative word here.

  3. Since there will be no justice from these indiviuals, put Newsome in jail for all three crimes....it is time for vigilante justice, the governers and judges won't do their jobs, it is time for citizens to enact vengeance to get the justice needed.

  4. Hey Cali. Do you have any illegals that are homeless ?

  5. need to go door to door in cali. Show me your id cards!


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