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Thursday, October 31, 2019

BREAKING: House approves impeachment inquiry rules after fiery floor debate

A sharply divided House voted Thursday to approve a resolution setting "ground rules" for the impeachment inquiry into President Trump, putting lawmakers on record over the contentious process while setting the stage for proceedings to move into the public eye after weeks of closed-door depositions.

The measure passed largely along party lines, 232-196. Two Democrats defected on the vote.

The first formal floor vote in relation to the impeachment probe announced a month ago by Speaker Nancy Pelosi followed a fierce debate in the chamber, where Republicans accused Democrats of launching a de facto "coup" against the president in a "pre-ordained" bid to overturn the results of the 2016 election.




  1. Enemy's of america. Sore losers, communists..

  2. Time to IMPEACH ALL the Demon-crats !!!!

    Next round of hearings !!!!

    1st up > Pelosi / Schumer / Schiff / Nadler / see Ya !!!!

  3. Civil war is coming.

  4. The next Civil War isn't far off now. Just a matter of time.
    Right now it is a war of words.
    Actions are soon to start!

  5. Support the process laid out in the Constitution you patriots

    1. 2:13 Sure sure cause we know the Dems are to be trusted during said process🙄

  6. Ground rules = all lies will be accepted...

  7. It is a coup by use of the impeachment process. No one has really heard what he is exactly charged with doing!

  8. Please read this message closely , I was at Walmart today , they have plenty of ammo , stock up , you will need it . The communist democrats are trying to turn this nation into complete disorder. Our president has done nothing to allow this impeachment process to go on. He has been the very best president in the last 100 years . Our nation went had a civil war in the late 1800's , I really believe it will happen again . We must protect our nation from these idiots. ( it seems strange that the more females that we elect in office , the closer we come to socialism and communism , look at Germany for the best example)

  9. They will drag this out for 9 months before giving it to senate. Then Republicans (wimps) will go by the book on every aspect and it will take 4 months. Dems no Republicans are sissy’s and can be pushed around. Trump will win while under impeachment. Political arena has now changed forever


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