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Thursday, October 10, 2019

Behind The Network Of Outside, Left-Wing Groups Pushing Racial Policies In Cities, Counties Across America

In cities and counties across America, local politicians have in recent months begun proposing comprehensive race-based policies such as redrawing school boundaries to dismantle schools with too many white or Asian students.

They have pushed for radical changes that have roiled even liberal-leaning constituents. The justification on all of their lips is oddly similar: “Equity.” The same buzzwords appear again and again.

“School board meetings suddenly became like Mad Libs. They started repeating certain phrases, jamming them into every sentence. It was very odd,” Margaret McCreary, a Fairfax County, Virginia, parent who eventually learned that the board members were using the “equity” language to push a proposal that could move her children out of their schools, told the Daily Caller News Foundation.



  1. Liberals are nuts. Known that for many many years...

  2. "They started repeating certain phrases" Sounds like a Trump rally to me. MAGA

  3. Those are the propaganda techniques that have been used by those who would give all to government, take all from freedoms.

  4. Liberals are luciferian in nature all lies hate and deception

  5. In other words they want to spread crime and violence around in the schools.

  6. 1:34 Isn’t that the liberal way? 😂

  7. Doing things for one group and not another is equal right?

  8. For those of you that read the entire article, good job if you did, you would see similarities in it with what is currently happening here on the Eastern Shore, especially in Wicomico County. Demand accountability and demand high standards for everyone.

  9. Northwest Woodsman: Another example of democrat cultural Marxism in action. They want to destroy our society and culture and they have been relatively successful up t this point. Let’s put a screeching halt to them, please!


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