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Monday, September 09, 2019

Why ‘crazy cat ladies’ are just purrfect: As a new study busts the myth cat owners are anxious and lonely

On my laptop is an image of a dark-grey pet bed, hand-felted from 100 per cent natural wool, with pointy cat ears on top and a small hole for a pet to enter through. Bliss.

Not only would it provide a ‘fun and characterful refuge’ for my grumpy British Blue, Pearl, the photos would create quite a stir on Instagram (supposing I could persuade her to sit in it).

‘My God, you really are tipping into CCLT [Crazy Cat Lady Territory],’ a friend remarks, as she walks past. She’s already appalled that the screensaver on my phone is a picture of another much-loved, long-dead cat.

Once I would have blushed, but now I’m out and proud. Because 2019 is the year that ‘cat ladies’ became cool. Lena Dunham, Taylor Swift and Katy Perry regularly post pictures of their felines.



  1. I'm pretty sure that "dog people" are much happier, though !

  2. Yes, Unless a person can find
    " that pur fect " cat.


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