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Wednesday, September 04, 2019

WALSH: Calling Gun Confiscation A ‘Mandatory Buyback’ Is Like Calling Armed Robbery A ‘Compelled Donation’

Democrats have ramped up their extremist anti-gun rhetoric in the wake of the mass shooting in Odessa, Texas over the weekend that left seven dead and dozens injured. Of course, as usual, the gun debate misses the point. The shooter on Saturday was a psychotic lunatic who previously failed a gun purchase background check, had called the FBI many times over the years to leave incoherent messages, and finally snapped after being fired from his job. It appears that this tragedy was entirely preventable, had already existing laws been followed and red flags been heeded.

Adding more laws on top of the mass of unfollowed or ineffective ones will not achieve anything. The shooter in Dayton, Ohio last month was known to keep a list of people he wanted to kill and rape. It should not have been necessary to take everyone's guns away in order to forbid that particular dangerous nutjob from obtaining a firearm. In the same way, a nationwide gun control initiative is not needed, and would not be the most effective means, to disarm a paranoid weirdo whose favorite hobby is rambling to the FBI's answering machine.

But Democrats are not interested in effective solutions. Hence former Vice President Joe Biden's call for a ban on magazines that "hold multiple bullets" — as opposed to magazines that contain just one bullet, I guess — and former Rep. Beto O'Rourke's (D-TX) proposal of a "buy back" program. Here's how the congressman explained this idea to reporters:



  1. AGAIN. Anyone who is or VOTE DEMOCRAT. Is the FOOLS OF SOCIETY.

  2. If DemocRATs want a Civil war BRING IT ON.

  3. Democrats: "We're not coming for your guns. We're not coming for your guns. You're just paranoid. We're just going to make you sell them to us." George Orwell would be so proud.

  4. It is time to declare Democrats, Progressives, Socialists and Communists to be mentally defective and to strip them of their citizenship. They are obviously not capable of rational thought or behavior. Time to adjust the red flag laws to be more inclusive.

  5. mine can be bought @ 3000% mark up gold and silver only

  6. They don't care about anything except disarming everybody! Remember that, never forget it and don't let anybody tell you otherwise. 2A strong..don't comply!

  7. Mine can also be bought by the government. It will be VERY expensive.

    And, I would like the politicians who advocate this "buy-back or else" program to be the first ones to bang real hard on my door.
    Loud enough for me to locate your position on the other side of the door.
    They won't be there -- they prefer OTHER stupid people to do the dirty work.
    And, rest assured, it WILL be dirty work.
    keep cheering.


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