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Monday, September 09, 2019

Unsinkable US Navy boat that's been missing for a YEAR following a missile test off coast of Virginia

A US Navy boat that disappeared last year during a missile test has been discovered washed up on the coast of Ireland.

Crew on board a Doolin Ferry Company ship spotted an object floating in the Irish waters on Monday while travelling to Inis Oirr, part of the Aran Islands in Galway Bay.

After being brought ashore with the help of locals, images of the seaweed-covered vessel went viral, with dozens of people interested in where the boat had come from.



  1. I love how all the shows on TV portray our military and police technology as so good they can do facial recognition by satellite, but then they lose a boat. Fake TV.

  2. It's a target boat. WHO CARES?? They should sent a plane out and sink it. GAME OVER!!

    1. A target boat with two big expensive engines on the back that you paid for

  3. 12:05 AM They govt does have facial recognition, and they knew where the boat was all along if they just looked... But everyone is so lazy and stupid these days, it doesn't surprise me that the govt or military so called lost a boat... I think it is propaganda... But I could be wrong... I mean everyone thinks no one will try anything against anyone so even higher ups don't have strong passwords to the govt systems and computers, which is why they are always being hacked... But then again, we send all of our tech to china to be built, and well, they can hack it or place devices or circuits in our stuff as they build them and then send it off to us... They even took control of a US navy boat that was brand new and was out to sea for testing...


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