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Thursday, September 05, 2019

The Left's Next Target: 'Christian Nationalists'

“And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are the gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with his wrath? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just: that his justice cannot sleep for ever.” —Thomas Jefferson (1781)

Have you heard the term “Christian Nationalist”? Well, brace yourself — you may be one of these.

A quick read of George Washington’s official proclamations and writings reveals that he is the Founding Father of Christian nationalism.

Currently, those words generally refer to faithful grassroots Americans who advocate for legislation that reflects Christian morals and ethics; who promote faith as a discussion point in national political dialogue (including the sanctity of human life); and who support such things as displaying the Ten Commandments on public property — as they are in the reliefs above the Supreme Court building. Christian Nationalists also support our national motto, “In God We Trust,” and are defenders of the fundamental tenets of Liberty, especially religious Liberty, enshrined in our Constitution.

More here


  1. The First Amendment ensures both that the government does not show preference to a certain religion and that the government does not take away an individual’s ability to exercise religion.

    The religious right should not be forcing citizens to adhere to the laws of their religious doctrine. Separation of church and state is not found in the constitution but Jefferson's letter to the Baptists on this matter has been referenced multiple times in Supreme Court decisions.

    Those of you who say we should adhere to the Constitution exactly as it was written seem to conveniently forget about the Amendments. Likely because as a white male you never had an issue with your rights.

  2. Too much to unpack here.

    Real quick, there is no problem with being Christian, or a Nationalist. The problem comes in when you try to smuggle your religion into politics.

    The founding fathers were almost all DEIST, NOT Christian. The Constitution is a SECULAR document that set up a SECULAR republic. There has been a massive PR campaign to distort and cover up this truth.. but it is the truth.

    The concern is that Christian Nationalists are trying to change this nation into a Christian Theocracy through distortion, and through legislation. They confuse religious liberty, with being able to force their religion on everyone not Christian.. and that is not what is protected by our secular Constitution.

    "In God We Trust" has not always been the motto, it was put into place by a Christian majority during the "red scare" to distinguish us from the "godless Communists". The rub, and the dishonest bit about this... is that when it is challenged in courts... it is always represented as "all encompassing", and "not specific to the Christian God"... but just like this article show... in any other context it is not represented as such.

    The Supreme Court relief represents the 10 Amenedments to the Constitution, NOT the Ten Commandments... and while Moses is one of the sculptures of law givers SO IS MOHAMMAD (along with many others).

    The ten commandments have ZERO to do with our laws and legal system or government. I challenge ANYONE to support that claim. The first four commandments are in direct violation of the 1st Amendment. In fact, the only commandments that remotely resemble laws are murder, theft, and adultery, yet adultery isn't really enforced anymore. Almost every religion and culture and society everywhere for all time has had laws against murder and theft, there is nothing special about them to the ten commandments. The only relevance to trying to place them on Public Land is to assert the power of a tyrannical theocratic hungry majority.

    The tired false meme the America is a Christian nation is just NOT true, and doesn't hold water if anyone researched the claim for even half a second.

    Someone said once that when fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the Bible. That is what is terrifying about Christian Nationalism.

    To quote John Adams: "The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion.

    I'll end with a Thomas Jefferson quote, as the article opened with one. In a letter to John Adams April 11, 1823:
    "The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus by the Supreme Being in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter. ... But we may hope that the dawn of reason and freedom of thought in these United States will do away with all this artificial scaffolding...."

  3. Too much to unpack here.

    Real quick, there is no problem with being Christian, or a Nationalist. The problem comes in when you try to smuggle your religion into politics.

    The founding fathers were almost all DEIST, NOT Christian. The Constitution is a SECULAR document that set up a SECULAR republic. There has been a massive PR campaign to distort and cover up this truth.. but it is the truth.

    The concern is that Christian Nationalists are trying to change this nation into a Christian Theocracy through distortion, and through legislation. They confuse religious liberty, with being able to force their religion on everyone not Christian.. and that is not what is protected by our secular Constitution.

    "In God We Trust" has not always been the motto, it was put into place by a Christian majority during the "red scare" to distinguish us from the "godless Communists". The rub, and the dishonest bit about this... is that when it is challenged in courts... it is always represented as "all encompassing", and "not specific to the Christian God"... but just like this article show... in any other context it is not represented as such.

    The Supreme Court relief represents the 10 Amenedments to the Constitution, NOT the Ten Commandments... and while Moses is one of the sculptures of law givers SO IS MOHAMMAD (along with many others).

    The ten commandments have ZERO to do with our laws and legal system or government. I challenge ANYONE to support that claim. The first four commandments are in direct violation of the 1st Amendment. In fact, the only commandments that remotely resemble laws are murder, theft, and adultery, yet adultery isn't really enforced anymore. Almost every religion and culture and society everywhere for all time has had laws against murder and theft, there is nothing special about them to the ten commandments. The only relevance to trying to place them on Public Land is to assert the power of a tyrannical theocratic hungry majority.

    The tired false meme the America is a Christian nation is just NOT true, and doesn't hold water if anyone researched the claim for even half a second.

    Someone said once that when fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the Bible. That is what is terrifying about Christian Nationalism.

    To quote John Adams: "The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion.

    I'll end with a Thomas Jefferson quote, as the article opened with one. In a letter to John Adams April 11, 1823:
    "The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus by the Supreme Being in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter. ... But we may hope that the dawn of reason and freedom of thought in these United States will do away with all this artificial scaffolding...."

  4. I cant wait for an angry redneck to ram into this comments section with his f350 screaming about socialism and abortions

  5. It is not the fake “Left” for crying out loud!

    It is the Zionists who fear the white people (Goy). The only real threat to their global power is the white Christians. They know it and attack them in their controlled media.

    Wake up

  6. You talk about separation if church and state. You shouldn't be worried about the Christians. They took God out of school in the sixties. It is the Muslims you should be worried about. They are trying to teach this to our kids in school now. They want to turn us I to a Muslim nation. Everyone atheist or Christian should be against this.

  7. @ September 5, 2019 at 9:44 PM

    "God" was never taken out of schools. Who are the "they" who you allege did it?

    Anyone can pray whenever they want, AND there are after school prayer groups and religious groups. Anyone can bring in holy books and read them. What you can't do is force someone to participate, or sit through compulsory religious prayer. That's it. Heck, I would even support a religions and cultures class that taught about all the current religions and the cultures they are from, including history of religions people don't follow anymore.

    This "we took god out of schools" is ALSO a false, untrue tired meme. When over 70% of the country is Christian... to assume that when these folks walk through a school doorway that some weird change happens to them an no there is no "god" in the school is absurd.


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