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Monday, September 16, 2019

The latest Times hit on Brett Kavanaugh is a clear miss

New York Times reporters Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly spent months reaching out to Yale alumni for more dirt on Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s undergraduate years more than three decades ago, and came up empty.

That’s the actual bottom line of their Times article that dropped online Saturday, though they suggest otherwise — since they clearly want to not just boost sales of the book, but also do whatever they can to further smear the justice.

How dishonest was the piece? Well, its biggest “shocker” is noting the existence of yet another alleged Kavanaugh incident — but the article leaves out the fact that the supposed victim doesn’t remember a thing.



  1. The democrats have become plainly evil. Some people need to sue for libel to end this madness. Although,lies and deceit are a part of the liberal play book. Most would go to jail.

  2. "In neither the committee's investigation nor in the supplemental background investigation conducted by the FBI was there ANY evidence to substantiate or corroborate any of the allegations," the (Senate Judiciary) Committee wrote.

  3. Does the NYT, or any MSM outlet for that matter, have any ounce of integrity left!?!?
    I just read that they are now trying to spin it as an editing "mistake ".
    No, when you're trying to libel and smear a guy, you are going to be very careful about it- make no mistakes.

  4. The Democrats are really scraping the bottom of the barrel. How could any rational American citizen take these fools seriously. Okay, they don't like Trump and by association Kavanaugh. I am a conservative and sometimes get tired of Trump's bluster. But, as an American citizen I understand the successes of this administration and the bitter pill dolled out to right years of inaction and deceit. The Democrats have nothing left in the play book; they are grasping at straws or for anything that they think will stick to the barn, substantiated or not. These are reckless and dangerous people wanting to run AMERICA. Bernie looks and acts like a mad scientist high on meth, Warren acts like a raving power hungry maniac, Harris says anything to get a wowie, Beto is out of touch with reality, Mayor Pete is hung up on his sexual orientation, and Castro is.....well....Castro. I forgot Joe...did I?


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