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Tuesday, September 03, 2019

The Demonization of the Democratic Party

There is no question about it. There is not even a desire to hide it. The Democratic Party continues to grow spiritually darker to the point of actually proclaiming itself the party of the religiously non-affiliated. Is it any surprise?

Back in 2012, the Washington Post reported that the Democrats were under fire for removing “God” from their national platform.

This was not missed by Paul Ryan, then a Republican presidential candidate, who stated on Fox News, “I guess I would just put the onus and the burden on them to explain why they did all this, these purges of God.”

And was it a coincidence that, the same year, the Democrats also failed to affirm Jerusalem as Israel’s capital?



  1. They also hate America and glorify in disrespecting her and the flag at every opportunity...

  2. Just look at their behavior. Children of Satan.

  3. Their name says it all; Demon-rats!

  4. They refuse to allow the American Flag to be seen on any platform or stage where they are meeting or speaking.


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