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Tuesday, September 03, 2019

Sheriff blasts immigration policies in Maryland county after sexual assault accusation by illegal immigrant

Frederick County Sheriff Chuck Jenkins has blamed Maryland’s Montgomery county’s policies for enabling crimes from illegal immigrants and “jeopardizing public safety" as a result.

“It’s really outrageous,” Jenkins told “Fox & Friends.” Monday.

A Honduran national in the U.S. illegally has been accused of raping his 15-year-old stepdaughter in suburban Maryland, the seventh such case in the area over the past five weeks.




  1. Bernie Sanders wants a tax on meat.

  2. A very smart person once said "reap what you sow"...

  3. Bernie Sanders will one day be meat.

  4. Give the Thanks to Hogan and Mike Miller along with the Maryland Democrat delegation for making Maryland a sanctuary State. Crime is increasing since their policies have taken place.

  5. 9:42
    The problem is this Sheriff is having to deal with the crap from another county. Frederick used to be a nice town. The illegals have now realized they can get things cheaper there and they move from Montgomery County to Frederick County. The county council is fighting the sheriff as well. Bunch of liberals have also moved into what was once a small town with lots of farm land and destroyed it.

  6. Just a matter of time they'll start shipping more trash to the 'shore!

  7. This is what larry hogan wants for the citizens of Md, thats why he dosent speak out. This is what communist brian frosh wants crime, criminals, rape and killings for the state of Md, thats why he does everything possible threw the courts to protect the criminals and illegals....and of course disarm law abiding citizens so his friends the criminals can have their way with you and yours. This is exactly what the MGA and ALL the democrats want for Our State....chaos, rape robbing and pillaging {baltimore is their peitre dish, their model, they protect it so it can spread and grow}.....because they can use it all as the excuse to take away your rights...to better control you. Stop voting in these communist progressives, you can clearly see they only want chaos and destruction.


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