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Tuesday, September 03, 2019

REMINDER: Sludge Tank Meeting In Mardela TONIGHT


  1. Don't forget your bathing suit!

  2. This should be interesting.

  3. Don’t forget no one cares ..... it’s just bashing someone people are jealous over.... the head of it was a old wanna be farmer/business person with the guy

    1. I don't know about you but I don't prefer to smell of rotting chicken guts and manure maybe you're used to that

  4. 11:24 is spot on, no one gives two shits about it and the govt will do as it please... Wither you like it or not... You have to make them listen, but I doubt you all have the brain power to do that... Look at Berlin, everyone threatened to leave town if taxes where raised, they raised the taxes against your will and yet no one is leaving the town??? Geeee funny how that works right??? So you morons really think this isn't goign to go where they want tit to go when they want it??? I can't wait for them to bring in O'brian & greere to build this bullshit and I can't wait for it to rain and over topple and you all have raw sewage in your back yard.... Maybe then you will give an actual shit about something in your life for once...

  5. Jealous people? no i don't think so. I would not want this is my back yard. Will proper logs be kept? Will regulations be followed? What happens with the bay and water shed? The shore already gets a bad wrap with nutrients and chicken manure. We do not need this garbage from out of state! We have enough crap of our own and should NOT be bringing more in from out of state. This is common sense. Not a jealous person, a person that has concerns of the upkeep of those tanks. From what i have seen the owner does not follow the laws and regulations in her business now. What makes you think they will abide by the law and regulations regarding to this tank? They wont as soon as all eyes are in the other direction and all has forgotten they will do what ever they want to. This should not be permitted to happen! Period end of story!

  6. Me and my husband were there tonight we noticed a brown nosed fireman Joey kissing up to Bid the Farmer what a Ahole.

    1. Most of the FF can't stand him.

  7. It was as a full house. As you saw Biff it wasn’t just one disgruntled wanna be farmer that is fighting this.

  8. I heard Biff might soon be taking a long vacation.Here come the judge!!!!!!!

  9. Hopefully, he and his crooked, thieving wife both will. They both should.


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