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Tuesday, September 03, 2019

‘NO COMPROMISE’: Biden Goes Extreme On Guns,

Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden went far to the left on the issue of guns on Monday, telling reporters that he wants to ban magazines that hold "multiple bullets" — which means all magazines.

Biden, who made the remarks while talking to the press during a campaign stop in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, said there should be "no compromise" on guns as he also voiced his anger at the state of Texas for allowing people to carry firearms in places of worship to defend themselves from those who seek to harm others.

"And we're talking about loosening access, to have guns, to be able to take them into places of worship, I mean, it is absolutely irrational. It's totally irrational," Biden said. "The idea that we don't have elimination of assault-type weapons, magazines that can hold multiple bullets in them, it's absolutely mindless."



  1. He's mindless and has proven for decades. whiskey tango foxtrot!

  2. Can we officially changed the names of magazines to pill-bottles? There is no way liberals will ban pill-bottles.

  3. Just stand out on your back porch and fire off a couple shots in the air with your 12 gauge joe

  4. Northwest Woodsman: Al Gore and Joe Biden are two perfect examples of complete morons that somehow manipulated their way into the vice presidency and any normal educated person would not want to spend even ten minutes in conversation with either. Democrat voters who are not outright Marxists must be terribly gullible to cast votes for such inept and stupid politicians. There is no hope for us as a country. President Trump can’t save us by himself and would not have the time to accomplish it. In spite of all the opposition from all of the indoctrination systems of media he has accomplished or at least proposed more things of benefit to the country than all other presidents I have lived under since Roosevelt.

  5. I wonder what the men who carry weapons (that will fire 20 rounds in less than 3 seconds)and surround him like a small, well-armed army think when he says that?
    I wonder if he remembers THEM when he spouts that silly, sissy liberal garbage??
    Where is at now? 12%?

    keep cheering.

  6. lets take all the guns away from everyone in this country, law enforcement, soliders, everyone and let the rest of the world shit on us


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