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Friday, September 13, 2019

Nancy Pelosi Claims Democrat Dan McCready Actually Won In North Carolina

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi claimed that Democrat Dan McCready “won the campaign” in North Carolina’s 9th Congressional District.

McCready lost the special election to Republican State Sen. Dan Bishop by roughly 2%, but Democrats took solace in how close the election was. President Donald Trump won the district in 2016 by around 12% over Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

“I’m very proud of Dan McCready. He’s a great patriot. He’s an independent voice for the district that he would have represented,” Pelosi said. “It’s too bad he’s not coming here. But he did a great job.”



  1. Oh, here we go. Why can't these assholes accept losing. Spoiled old bitch.

  2. Is pelosi going to present mccready with a participation award?

  3. Another independent voice to reprecent the people,BULLXXXX! How do they vote party line everytime and say independent or represent the people? They truly do believe if it is said enough it becomes truth. Sorry nancy we believe what we see, not what you say!

  4. Really?? Just like HILLARY didn't??

  5. Get your shaw and go to your rocking chair, Nance, It's time for your meds and a nice nappy poo.


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