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Saturday, September 07, 2019

Mexico boosts deportation of migrants heading to US by 63%

In a way, Mexico has built a “wall” against illegal immigrants heading to the United States.

According to Latin American officials, Mexico has joined the U.S. battle against migrating Central Americans by stopping them at its southern border and elsewhere and deporting tens of thousands back home.

A new analysis of immigration numbers said that Mexico has boosted deportations by 63% so far this year.

La Prensa, the main newspaper in Honduras, quoted the Guatemalan Migration Institute which said that 102,314 Central American migrants from the countries of Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, and Nicaragua have been deported from Mexico to Guatemala. In the same period last year, the number was 62,746.



  1. Oh my God he's doing it... And they're paying for it.

  2. I’m sure what we’re undoubtedly paying them to do so, is a bargain compared to what they would cost the taxpayers once they latched on to the government teat.


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