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Sunday, September 08, 2019

Maryland Leads Coalition in Filing Amicus Brief Supporting City of Baltimore’s Efforts to Hold Fossil Fuel Companies Accountable for Climate Change

BALTIMORE, MD (September 4, 2019) – Maryland Attorney General Brian E. Frosh today led a coalition of attorneys general in filing an amicus brief supporting Baltimore City in its lawsuit, Mayor and City Council of Baltimore v. BP P.L.C, et al., to hold fossil fuel companies accountable under state law for actions contributing to climate change and its resulting harms. In their brief, the attorneys general argue that all levels of government have a shared interest in addressing the impacts of climate change and the district court was correct when it sent the case back to state court.

Baltimore originally filed its case in state court, and the companies removed the suit to federal court in July 2018. In June 2019, the federal district court for the District of Maryland remanded the City’s lawsuit back to state court, rejecting the companies’ argument that federal common law governed the City’s claims. The companies have appealed that decision to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit.

“The effects of climate change are being felt around the world, but also take a toll at the local level,” said Attorney General Frosh. “The Chesapeake Bay’s sea levels are rising at a rate double the global average, affecting our coastal communities from Smith Island to Baltimore City. And rising temperatures are hitting residents in our urban areas, impacting the health of the elderly, children, and people with preexisting pulmonary conditions. Our states and local government have an undeniable role in protecting our natural resources and the health of our residents from the damage being done by fossil fuel companies.”

In their brief supporting the City, the attorneys general argue that the district court was correct to reject the companies’ argument that the City’s claims are inherently federal-law claims and belong in federal court. The attorneys general also argue, among other things, that the effects of climate change often are felt at the state and local level, and that state and local efforts to address the problem are essential.

Joining Attorney General Frosh in filing the brief are the attorneys general of California, Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington.


  1. Does this tool bag dumocrat do anything other than waste taxpayer money on worthless lawsuits? Enough already!

  2. This is what baltimore is spending their time on?

  3. Ask yourself and all of the other clowns in this city, Why do you think it went from global warming, to global cooling and now it is Climate change????? Think real long and hard about that... If you have to change what you call it, then what does that tell you? Here is a hint, its fake... The govt and politicians version or definition of Climate Change is fake, WE ALL KNOW THE WEATHER CHANGES FROM DAY TO DAY, one day it is raining and the next it is warm and sunny... A different day it might be Cold and snowing and the next Cold And Sunny... That is climate change, clearly... IF the govt would stop spraying chaff (nano sized particles that disrupt radar systems) in the skies and stop with the HARRP bullshit, then there would be no increased in intensity of the hurricanes... These things are man made, and I dare any of you moronic clowns to prove me wrong!!!! Prove to me that a hurricane sitting on top of the Bahamas for 24 hours without moving, while in the jet stream is all natural...

  4. How productive for the poor rat-infested citizens of Baltimore.

  5. I am so sick and tired of my money being spent on this crap!

  6. How dumb does the left think we are? Time to put an end to the "Climate Change" hoax before any more money is wasted.

  7. Frosh acts as if there is substantial evidence for climate change. There is no such consensus of facts and therefore this law suit is flawed and frivolous. the judge should award damages to the oil companies and order no more gas be delivered to Baltimore until the elected officials relent and pay up!

  8. Baltimore is just looking for a huge payday & might get it if the Judge is a Democrat activist.

  9. I’m telling you - he’s the next governor. And Jake will still be mayor.

  10. if baltimore gets wiped out then I would say it was well worth it! keep burning fossil fuels and waiting!

  11. The suit will never go to court or have evidence presented. That evidence will be used to expose the weather modification program and the author of this story knows it (or should).

    The Climate Change we are in front of our faces is the result of a secret US Military program for weather modification. Iran Government exposes it. China has exposed its own similar program.

    The technologies used now are unbelievable in scope and are efficient. The Dorian example is being flaunted on the global stage right now because no other agency can control a Hurricane like we are witnessing on the Weather Channel. The effort is flawless and the margin for error is huge, but the Military is able to guide Dorian right up the coast without incident.

    Truly amazing

  12. This will eventually get tossed out of court just like the similar lawsuits in San Fransisco and Massachusetts.

    There was an effort funded by Soros where these dumbocrat states attorneys would collude to sue the oil companies.

  13. All the problems in Maryland and this is what he is doing ?

  14. I like the way 5:20pm thinks. But I could change my mind if everyone in Bmore stops using fossil fuels immediately. Walk everywhere, and freeze your bot-tum all winter with no water( frozen pipes ). And take responsibility for burning fossil fuels in the past. You got the benefit from it. Don't forget to stop using fossil fuels for electricity generation.

  15. Okay, Baltimore, only use power from wind and sun and when it gets too dark or too cold or too hot, or your buses won't run and your iPhone won't charge, then choose what your path will be.

  16. LOL, Waste water run-off, trash in the harbor, raw sewage spills into the Patapsco. How about the factory over by Ft Armistead spewing chemicals in the Patapsco river. They closed up an entire area (Fairfield) and moved the residents (there is a story shoved under the rug). Look-up the cancer rate stats in south Baltimore. The City of Baltimore has done NOTHING to clean up it's own back yard and the dump crap that floats down the bay towards the shore. But they are suing the government for climate change, laughable, Liberal idiots!

  17. OMG! These Libtards are losing it over their invented Climate Change!


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