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Monday, September 16, 2019

How the f--- do I become president? Democrats adopt swearing as a campaign strategy

A number of low-polling 2020 Democrats are adopting the use of bad language in a bid to gain media attention and propel themselves to relevancy.

Beto O'Rourke began dropping a number of F-bombs when speaking about issues like gun violence around the time his campaign began a relaunch after he failed to gain any traction in polls.

“Members of the press, what the f---?!” O'Rourke asked in August following the El Paso, Texas, shooting. That was followed up with another F-word-laden tirade. “We’re averaging about 300 mass shootings a year. No other country comes close. So, yes, this is f---ed up," he said. O'Rourke then later explained he was just "being honest" and wished to "shock the conscience of the country."



  1. I brought this to a friend/coworker attention last week and she immediately accused trump of the same. I specifically called to the cursing of today's dems and still feel on deaf ears. Cuz, you know, say it loud with profanity and it has to be believable and more meaningful... boobs

    1. You've heard the Access Hollywood tale, right? Trump curses like a sailor...

  2. Real class acts. And they condemn Trump for his use of words.

  3. Using profanity in public and wearing profane apparel used to be unlawful. The young ones of today will destroy our nation if we do not teach them right from wrong and the truth about our country's history and purpose.


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