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Thursday, September 19, 2019

Hillary Clinton Suggests She Lost Wisconsin and Michigan to Trump in 2016 Because ‘Millions of Voters Were Purged From the Rolls’

Hillary Clinton just won’t stop whining about her 2016 election loss.

Loser Hillary spoke at George Washington University on Tuesday where she claimed that she is counseling 2020 Democrat hopefuls on how to run a successful campaign.

Clinton said that ‘voter suppression,’ fake news stories and the evil Electoral College contributed to her crushing election loss.

“You can run the best campaign and have the best plans and get the nomination and win the popular vote and you can lose the Electoral College and therefore the election,” Hillary said.



  1. Sit down and be quiet, crone.

  2. She is so accustomed to the MSM believing and spreading her BS, that she just can't stop herself.
    The MSM is like a manure spreader and she supplies the manure.

  3. Northwest Woodsman: Hildabeast is persistent to say the least. She will never give up and admit failure. Her eventual demise is the only thing that will shut down her feeling of entitlement and the presidency. Can’t tolerate the woman but respect her tenacity.

  4. I wonder if that was the Dead People or the Illegal Immigrants that was purged from the rolls of voters that made the poor dear to lose. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Everyone who alluded to the deceased and illegals are 100 percent correct...

  6. Someone needs to tell Hillary she is old news. PLEASE! Why does the media continue to give her the time of day? Just goes to show the press is desperate for anything good, bad, or indifferent. At least Bill has the sense to keep his mouth shut recognizing they are a thing of the past.

  7. The only way she will ever accept her loss is if her own party finally says they didn't vote for her, Bill needs to tell her you failed accept it, and her daughter needs to tell her Mom your embarrassing how long are you going to not accept you lost! She is such a narcissist she is a legend in her own mind.

  8. Why does anyone invite her to speak? It's the same schtick every time.

  9. 7:22AM The only we don't hear from Bill is because he's too busy looking for another Monica.

  10. Enough already! Be gone!

  11. She lost cuz no one wanted a old diaper wearing ugly lying bitch in the whitehouse!


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