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Thursday, September 05, 2019

Hill joins FEC in war on Drudge, online media

First, it was Democrats on the Federal Election Commission.

Now it’s congressional Democrats and Republicans who want to squelch the political voices on major online websites such as Facebook, Twitter, the New York Times, and eventually the Drudge Report.

According to an election law expert, Congress is set to take up consideration of a new law targeting small-time advertisers on the biggest trafficked websites.

Called the Honest Ads Act, it would force websites to police their site for fake influencers and identify the names and addresses of anybody who spend $500 or more on political ads. It was introduced by Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota. Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham is a co-sponsor. An identical bill was introduced in the House by two Democrats.



  1. Tackling the problem all wrong. Go after the idiots who fall for every bogus claim and newstory. ID them and call them out for their nonsense. It helps if you dont have an easily duped POTUS spouting nonsense everyday

    1. Or the idiot posting on here. Start there first...


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