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Monday, September 16, 2019

High School’s secret to high pass rates is cheating: teachers

At highly rated Maspeth High School in Queens, students know they can play hooky, skip course work, flunk tests — and still pass.

They call it the “Maspeth Minimum,” meaning everyone gets at least the minimum grade or score needed to pass or graduate, no matter what.

Whistleblowers call it fraud. The secret to the school’s 98% graduation and 90% Regents pass rate, they say, is simple: “Cheat!”

Four teachers told The Post that the 2,100-student high school — awarded a prestigious National Blue Ribbon in 2018 by the federal secretary of education — has an unwritten but iron-clad “no-fail policy,” even for kids who repeatedly don’t do the work or even show up.

“Teachers are not allowed to fail students,” a staffer said.



  1. Ready for school vouchers yet..take our schools back from the destructive progressive policies..

  2. Here's whats funny. You guys jump on these whistleblower accusations and believe it because its a nareative that stokes your preconcieved notions. Meanwjile Trump can have all kinds of whistleblowers speak out and you say "nothing to see here". Too funny

  3. This happens in Worcester County all the time.

  4. Sbynews I sent you a story on this.

  5. 6:13

    Please enlighten us.


  6. School districts in many locales are giving grades and diplomas to many students who are light years away from actually meeting basic requirements. Sad; true.

  7. McDonald's always needs help.

  8. Northwest Woodsman: This becomes a requirement when their students of low IQ are too stupid to cheat on their own.

  9. @September 16, 2019 at 6:13 PM . I bet you have an Affirmative Action diploma too, huh?

  10. Well, now they cannot make the blacks look bad when the majority of them fail and the whites just keep on graduating because they work for their education. It's not given to THEM.


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