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Saturday, September 07, 2019

Hands To Yourself: Biden Gets Scolded For Grabbing Woman's Hands Without Her Consent

Former Vice President Joe Biden is known to be a bit…handsy at times. There are the biker chick photo and the various allegations of downright odd behavior, like reportedly smelling a lieutenant governor candidate’s hair, which created some controversy at the outset of his 2020 candidacy. Yet, there was never going to be any accountability. He’s the Democrats’ best hope to beat Trump in 2020, and even his past accusers said that his actions, while creepy, shouldn’t disqualify him from running. So, that’s the Democratic Party for you. Weaponize sexual assault/misconduct allegations, but only for use against your political enemies. Yet, at a campaign stop in Iowa, Biden also got handsy with a teacher who asked him a question about collective bargaining rights. There was no groping or anything. Yes, that should be made crystal clear; the allegations against Biden aren’t nearly as serious as those facing Harvey Weinstein, but when a woman is made uncomfortable—you need to respect the space. Biden is horrendous at that.

In this incident, he grabbed a teacher’s hands and she was not having any of it. The Washington Examiner was able to get a quote from her about the incident. The woman, Roman, 41, plainly said you just need to ask first. Oh, and they were able to get videos too (via Washington Examiner):



  1. He is a Pedophile clear and simple, we have thousands on a list to protect society from them, he needs to be on this list also!

  2. Top of the list too

  3. Sex in general has been placed on a pedestal for reasons I can't comprehend.Perhaps it's politically motivated,or perhaps women feel that the sanctity of sex has been cheapened and therefore threatened.Whatever the reason,this over sensitive mentality needs to stop.


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