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Friday, September 13, 2019

Gay couple married in Md. sues after daughter denied US citizenship

COLLEGE PARK, Md. —A gay married couple in Maryland sued Thursday to challenge the State Department's refusal to recognize the U.S. citizenship of their infant daughter, who was born in Canada via a surrogate this year.

The federal lawsuit says a State Department policy discriminates against same-sex married couples and unlawfully treats their children as if they were born out of wedlock.

An attorney for the plaintiffs, Roee Kiviti and Adiel Kiviti, said their suit is at least the fourth such case to challenge the policy.



  1. Pretty freakin stupid!
    Neither of them carried the child (nor could)...
    They contracted internationally - knowing the potential issues.

    They should get nothing!

  2. Go thru the process like everybody else. Besides that's a questionable situation for a child to be raised in. Why do these a$$holes always lean towards traditional behavior, but not really have it. They want their cake and eat it too, like most social degenerates.

  3. Lets get real. Gay couples in many other countries would be killed or at least jailed. They should be happy that they are allowed to live in peace.
    Heterosexuals will eventually get tired of all this and will begin fighting back for normalcy.

  4. What....an American surrogate was not good enough for them????

  5. Agree with 12:55, if she was not born in the U.S.A. she is not automatically a citizen because her "parents" are citizens.

  6. So they purchased a kid in Canada and want the courts to act as if it was born to American citizens abroad. Nice scam ladies or whatever you choose to identify as.

  7. Agreed with 12:55. surrogate does not mean biological parent.

  8. Gay people can't conceive children.

  9. What a freaking joke. This country should be ashamed of itself for trying to normalize a mental illness.

  10. What gives those freaks the right to deny those children a mother? They had one. Gays should not be able to adopt any children for the very reason of denying them a mother or a father.


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