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Monday, September 02, 2019

Food Kits from U.S. Program to Feed “Vulnerable” Syrians Diverted to Terrorists

A multi-billion-dollar government program to feed “vulnerable” Syrians has provided food for jihadist militants in a group designated by the United States as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO). American taxpayers have spent a fortune on “emergency food assistance” during the Syrian crisis that began with the 2011 Arab spring and some of it has actually gone to terrorists that hate us and want to kill us. The Al Qaeda affiliate is known as Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham and it aims to establish a regional Islamic caliphate, according to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

Since 2012, the U.S. government has provided Syria with nearly $3 billion in emergency food assistance, approximately $1.8 billion to help “vulnerable families” inside the country and more than $1.1 billion for “vulnerable refugees in neighboring countries.” Uncle Sam took action after the United Nations (UN) declared that 11.7 million people inside Syria need humanitarian assistance. Of those, the leftist world body said 9 million require emergency food assistance to meet their basic needs, including 6.5 million people facing “life-threatening food insecurity.” The famously corrupt U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), which has a monstrous budget and little oversight, handles the money and doles out cash to groups, mostly non-governmental organizations (NGOs), that provide food.



  1. How much evidence of corruption does the public need to see?
    The US intelligence agencies created the terror groups.
    Period. Terror is an Israeli / US creation.

    The US Government is the enemy of the people.

  2. And they are all armed by US and Israeli manufacturers. Conflict is big business. We don't fight and WIN wars that threaten the free world we just toss our boys and maim them into these stupid " Conflicts " wasted heroes. Instead of a full blown conflict with Russia we have these little third world skirmishes that never amount to seizing the territories or resources. It's an expensive joke and everyone is a Hero not knowing what they were even fighting for.

    1. Probably the most inaccurate comment I have ever read..

    2. Can you prove your statement?

  3. Northwest Woodsman: This makes me so angry that I cannot comment at this time. This sort of stupidity is something that I have recognized since our corrupt politicians and their corrupt and ignorant bureaucrats got us involved in Vietnam.

  4. We have people right here with not enough or no food and we are giving it away to other countries and peoples, which have been fighting each other for centuries, as a feel good measure! You know they think we are idiots, which we are, for giving them food! This kind of bullshit needs to stop immediately! We as American taxpayers are sick and tired of trying to save a world which does not want us around period! Leave them to kill each other till no one is left! Then come in and help the survivors who are grateful for the help we have to offer!!

  5. During Obama era no doubt. I was pissed that Obama gave Iran Billions in cash during the night to Iran. We all know how much we love Iran. Did Obama stuff his pockets during the transition - I heard he is very wealthy. Buying a second house in the Hamptons for 15 million dollars. In his case being President make you a wealthy man. Shouldn't be that way.

  6. How do the Democrats ignore the street people and keep a straight face when giving foreign countries money.

  7. Of course it is done on purpose so they can be re-supplied and keep on fighting... they have to have a boogy man to go after and to keep all of you scared...

  8. Wow! who would have thought that the terrorist idiots in control would be so rude as to steal food from vulnerable people, Duh!! Here's your sign !


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