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Sunday, September 01, 2019

Family defends robbery suspect, after he's killed by off-duty officer & retired officer

BALTIMORE (WBFF) - A Baltimore man is dead after being shot by an off-duty Baltimore School Police officer and retired Department of Corrections officer.

For now, police call the shooting justified but the suspect’s family has doubts.

Devante Jones is dead. He was 22. His family gathered outside of city hall Monday evening looking for answers.

Investigators say Jones was shot when he tried robbing a group of men. That’s a stunning allegation, according to Jones‘s mother.

“Because my son changed his life, he did he did that stuff when he was younger. He changed his life. He had two jobs, he had two cars, he was doing right,“ said Natalie Gardner, the suspect’s mother.



  1. My baby changed, yes sir he did, guess what, he just went up against the wrong boys momma.

  2. Yeah, I remember him. He was a good boy. He went to church every week. He walked old ladies across the street. He always gave up his bus seat to pregnant women. .....................

    Oh my mistake, it wasn’t him. Everyone is allowed at least one mistake. Trying to hold up an armed citizen was his last mistake. I can guarantee that he learned his lesson and will never do it again!!!

  3. Bull shit! He was just convicted in June 2019 of robbery! Sentance suspended and was on probation!

  4. The thug got exactly what he deserved!

  5. As someone said prior Play stupid games win stupid prizes
    Sorry for the family but apparently this young man was a dumb ass thief / robber
    But they can't play the race card on this one because I think all the victims are black

  6. It’s all the cops fault, guess Baltimore will settle another million dollar lawsuit.

  7. So sorry someone lost their life but how can you convict the victims. Oh that's right they didn't study the gun that was pulled on them. Really then who would be dead.

  8. Apparently he had three jobs. He didn't disclose his night time withdrawal job.

  9. Wait a sec here....Grandma forgot the Eagle Scout, Honor Roll Student and Church Acolyte part

  10. It would seem as though Momma was one of her baby's biggest problems. Class A enabler. My baby didn't do nuffin'!

  11. Hogan proves that legal concealed carry for law abiding citizens will lower crime and reduce prison population.

    1. The only thing hogan proves is that he's a RINO/POS every time he opens his mouth

  12. Most cop shootings are not justified, they just try to justify it with a fake rap sheet... Oh this guy smoked weed...


  13. Job 1 was drug dealing, job 2 was armed robberies.

  14. @2:16

    You're not serious? This guy had at least 11 different offenses.


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