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Tuesday, September 03, 2019

Fake Indian Elizabeth Warren Echoes Barack Obama with Labor Day Message: ‘You Didn’t Build That by Yourself’

2020 Democrat hopeful and Fake Indian Elizabeth Warren said in a shrill voice to a crowd in Hampton Falls, New Hampshire on Monday that hard working business owners didn’t build anything on their own.

The Massachusetts Senator has a Labor Day message for hard-working American entrepreneurs, ‘You didn’t build that.’

Warren mocked hard working business owners and said, “You built a great fortune here in America. I guarantee you built it at least in part using workers all of us helped pay to educate, Yeah!”

“You built it at least in part getting your goods to market on roads and bridges all of us paid to build,” Warren said echoing Barack Obama’s 2012 speech.



  1. Her speech started;
    "Many moons ago".... she also included "Great white Father in Washington"....and "Need much Wampum".


  3. Warren is going to use the old ad from the 1960's for her presidential run.
    Remember "Iron-eyes Cody" crying about litter?

    Well she is doing one with her in her Native American Headdress and a tear running down her face as a voice over talks about the future of America.

  4. Shes right all of us, including the small business owners, helped to pay with our tax dollars. The business owners then had to pay more by paying for the employees training on how to do the job, for the building/space to work in, for the materials to work on, the equipment to work with, and a whole lot more. We all pay for the jobs created by supporting each other with our tax dollars to build roads, schools, hospitals, etc. The business owner gets repaid for his idea by having those facilities available.

    1. but everybody has the opportunity to do the same so dont come in and take the mans money when you can do the same thing yourself

  5. How often does she teach classes at Harvard for her $400,000.00 salary? And people wonder why college is so expensive? Heavy on excessive administrators who receive ridiculous salaries for make believe work.

  6. well if our tax money is used, it's our money, so we did build it. what kind of weird thinking is that?


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