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Friday, September 20, 2019

Dems launch longshot bid for DC statehood at rare hearing, as Republicans hammer local corruption

House Democrats, in their first hearing on D.C. statehood in more than 25 years, on Thursday advocated for the District of Columbia to become the country’s 51st state as Republicans raised concerns about recent corruption scandals involving local D.C. officials.

Critics of D.C. statehood have long cited local corruption as one reason to oppose statehood.

Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, the top Republican on the House Oversight and Reform Committee, said he wanted Thursday’s hearing to delve into the ongoing scandal involving D.C. Councilman Jack Evans.




  1. Easy fix, the federal office buildings become the federal district of columbia and the rest becomes the city of Washington and is incorporated into Maryland. Where the land originally came from and should revert back to. Precedence already in place when the original federal district land from Virginia reverted back to Va.

  2. DC Government politicians have long been corrupt. The denizens of DC did not care.


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