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Thursday, September 19, 2019

Dan Brouillette: ‘Impossible’ to Reduce ‘Carbon Emissions’ Without ‘Nuclear Energy’

A national energy strategy to reduce carbon dioxide emissions yielded from the burning of fossil fuels requires the use of nuclear energy, determined Deputy Secretary of Energy Dan Brouillette, offering his analysis in a Tuesday interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow.

Those opposing the use of nuclear energy — or neglecting to highlight its value within a national energy policy — cannot be “serious” or “sincere” in their stated concerns to address carbon dioxide emissions, stated Brouillette.

“It’s hard to know what to make of that, except it’s nonsense, for the most part,” said Brouillette of opposition to fracking and broader fossil fuel development.

Increasing domestic production of fossil fuels and alternatives increases American autonomy in the dimension of energy, explained Brouillette. “[We must reduce] our dependence on countries that, candidly, do not have our interests in mind. … In the ’70s [and] ’80s we were highly dependent [on the Organization of Oil Exporting Countries]. These were countries that were adversaries, quite frankly, and I am very proud of the work this president [and] administration has done to turn that around.”



  1. I’ve always thought that nuclear energy would be the perfect way to generate energy. The only drawback is the nuclear waste. Our government needs to do another Manhattan type project, but this time to find a way to neutralize the waste in months instead of hundreds of years.

  2. These were countries that were adversaries, quite frankly, and I am very proud of the work this president [and] administration has done to turn that around.”

    Bwahahah lol. Ok so are we really to believe that the decades long process of advancing technology and investing in energy infrastructure that led to our ongoing energy boom were the result of Trump? Please tell me this is not what you guys believe

  3. Control a greenhouse gas by emitting nuclear radiation which is dangerous forever.


    How about STOP spraying us?

  4. Nuclear plants do not emit nuclear radiation when correctly operated. The Three mile island and Chernobyl accidents both were human error and could have easily been avoided

  5. When are people going to learn the difference between carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide


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