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Monday, September 09, 2019

“Climate Change” Is A Hoax

I hate science, evidently, because I’m woke to the manifest truth about what the leftist elite currently calls “climate change." It is the second most staggering fraud ever perpetrated upon the American people after the media’s promotion of the unstoppable candidacy of Beto (who is a furry). Like some suckers still do, I once believed that “science” was a rigorous process where you tested theories and revised those theories in response to objective evidence. But in today’s shabby practice, “science” is just a package of self-serving lies buttressing the transnational liberal elite’s preferred narrative. Our alleged betters hope that labeling their propaganda “science” will science-shame you into silence about what everyone knows is a scam.

Nah. “Climate change” is a hoax. Come arrest me for felony denial.

Understand that the term “climate change” does not refer to actual meteorological phenomena but, rather, to the sordid rat-king of lies, scams and power grabs that we are commanded to accept as pagan gospel lest we burn to a crisp or drown or suffer...whatever the Armageddon du jour is. When you say “climate change is a grift,” and you should as often as possible, you are pointing out that this green-on-the-outside/red-on-the-inside fake frenzy is really just a set of intertwined grifts transparently designed to separate you from your freedom and your property in the name of somehow adjusting the weather.



  1. And we only have 12 years before the end...

  2. The climate hoax is killing our environment under the guise of saving it.

  3. The Chinese believe that a mini ice age is coming in the next 20-40 years. Watch them prepare and the stupid libs prepare in the opposite direction for disastrous results. The Chinese are not the only ones saying this also.
    Better put in a greenhouse and prepare. Maybe that is why the Dems want your guns. Remember how Obama stockpiled the government agencies with massive numbers of weapons and ammo?

  4. Its safe to say you may want to leave the science discussion to actual scientists, not guys out to make money off being a talking head

  5. If any if you morons want to argue about climate change then lets do it... I will make you look more stupid than you currently are... When someone, IE the govt has to change what and how they call or classify something, then it is fake... PERIOD!!!! IT went from global warming, then ice started to form, oppps its global cooling, even though for 10 years we said it is getting hotter... Then the ice started to melt and they went back to global warming... Clearly the weather AKA the climate changes on a daily basis, this is something no one can argue, and hence why they now call it change... IT does change, but not like these fake scientist say it does or will... If anything does happen, it will be from HAARP where they are testing electromagnetic radiation on the atmosphere, now why would a govt want to do research in to that??? Why does the govt know how many volts or watts it takes to move a cloud or storm system???? Michio Kaku a scientist or physicists, has already been on TV saying how they manipulate weather with high energy and laser beams... You know kind of like the rail gun the govt is testing on a navy ship... Where it shoots a high energy pulse to push a projectile... This stuff is not fake, the govt even has release docs from the 60s of them wanting to and trying to make it rain for the Vietnam war... It doesn't help the planet that the govts are spraying chaff or nano sized metal particles in the air... What kind of effect do you think that will have??? When radiation from space hits either it is supposed to bounce out in the atmosphere and leave the planet... Well now, becasue of all these metal particles, the radiation bounces around more than it should which might heat up the planet... Just watch the movie GEO STORM, it shows you the kind of tech it really is... but all the while they are testing, they are messing stuff up... Why do you think they gave money and aid to the south when that hurricane hit few years go, but when sandy hit they didn't do squat??? One of those hurricane was manipulated by HARRP that is why they paid...

    1. If you dont understand the difference between "climate" and "weather", you sir are not properly armed to have this fight lol

  6. Sure. I'm gonna take the word of an AUTHOR, and not the consensus of the experts in their field.

    That consensus of these experts disagrees with this writers armchair quarterback conspiracy theories.

    YES, there are opportunistic morons running with this information and misusing it for their own gain, but to ignore the actual SCIENCE and the consensus of peer review is reckless, and dangerous.

  7. Ah yes, an idiot who writes books knows better than those who have Ph.Ds in climate science. God, this is the stupidest damn hill for us conservatives to die on. There are so many young cons who know we need to focus on this or the GOP will start losing big time!

  8. The government tried and failed to control something as simply as the human mind I don't think they have mastered any Wilhelm Reich like cloud busting weather control quackery. They were not sure the atomic bomb would not ignite the atmosphere.

  9. A expert on the Levine show stated the self appointed experts screwed with the data since 1920 to come to the conclusion they wanted. Probably more of another DEMOCRAT government program to give chair warming jobs to their donors just like OBAMAS BS 500 MILLION PLUS SOLYNDRA fiasco.. Notice they changed it from GLOBAL WARMING TO CLIMATE CHANGE.REMEMBER--AL GORE "WHO MADE MILLIONS FROM THIS BS" SAID WE ONLY HAD 15 YEARS LEFT AND THAT WAS 15 OR MORE YEARS AGO.


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