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Saturday, September 21, 2019

Candace Owens tells Congress: White supremacy not even a top 100 issue for minorities

Right-wing activist Candace Owens testified before Congress on a hearing for combating white supremacy, claiming it's not a top issue for minorities in the United States.

"If we’re going to have a hearing on white supremacy, we are assuming that the biggest victims of that are minority Americans," Owens said Friday before the House Oversight Joint Subcommittee.

"And presumably this hearing would be to stop that and preserve the lives of minority Americans, which based on the hierarchy of what’s impacting minority Americans, if I had to make a list of 100 things, white nationalism would not make the list," she said.

Owens, 30, said black-on-black crime and the war on masculinity were two issues more important to black Americans than white supremacy.



  1. The biggest problem for minorities is the democratic party and their incessant drivel that "whitey" is holding them back. No self-respecting person would believe that nonsense.

  2. It's mind boggling that the Dems don't even talk about black-on-black crime.

  3. White supremacy doesn’t put food on the table or pay the bills.


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