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Monday, September 09, 2019

Biden Coughs Repeatedly, Jumbles Words, Calls Trump ‘President Hump’

What is wrong with Joe Biden?

2020 Democrat hopeful Joe Biden, 76, repeatedly coughed, jumbled words and slurred during his speech to the New Hampshire Democrat Party Convention on Saturday.

Biden called President Trump “President Hump” then joked it was a “Freudian slip.”

“I believe history will look back at this presidency as an aberrant moment in time. But if Donald Hump — Donald Trump is reelected…Freudian slip. If Donald Trump is reelected, he will forever and fundamentally alter the character of this nation,” Biden said.



  1. Did he catch Hillary's cough? Will his sack of potatoes being thrown into a vehicle impression of her be next? Joe needs to go sit down, & stay down.

  2. Sleepy Joe. What a joke and a clown...

  3. "...he will forever and fundamentally alter the character of this nation.
    Like Obama said he'd do, but thankfully was stopped by Hillary? No, the Trump transformation is to return to the thoughts of the Founders, where government didn't run every facet of citizens' lives. You know, those guys who wrote the Constitution.

  4. He needs to be put down like the useless old dog he is!
    It is the right and humane thing to do, and so he don't go alone let's put down the living fossil Ruth Ginsburg with him!

  5. He is right, it has changed. People are working again.

  6. I think a few of Joe's tubes are burned out.

  7. Bahahaha! President Hump!

  8. Very soon Biden will be sitting in a wheel chair at the hospice with drool running down his cheek, right next to Hillary.


  9. Joe's future is as a Soylent Green ingredient. His Max Headroom gig is winding down.

  10. one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel

  11. TRUMP 2020. There is no other option for the country!

  12. For once, I hope Biden is right: "If Donald Trump is reelected, he will forever and fundamentally alter the character of this nation"

    After Obama, who promised to fundamentally change America in his inaugural speech (Biden loved it when it was a Democrat goal), now Biden thinks fundamentally changing America is a bad thing. He reminds me of a grandpa that should be sitting in a retirement village drifting off into the sunset. He's just a rambling talker. Never has been a doer. But Delaware loved him, even when he was nearly brain dead from an aneurysm. Maybe he's counting on the second smallest state in the country to carry him into office. Big difference in getting a small state to support your well connected political aspirations and trying to get the country to support your rambling, incoherent ideas.


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