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Monday, September 23, 2019

Attorney General Frosh Joins Coalition Urging Congressional Action to Close Ammunition Sale Loophole

Jaime’s Law Extends Background Check Requirements to Include Ammunition sales

BALTIMORE, MD (September 23, 2019) - Maryland Attorney General Brian E. Frosh today joined a coalition of 20 other attorneys general in sending a letter to Congressional leaders urging support of legislation extending existing background check requirements on firearm sales to also include ammunition sales. The attorneys general argue these background checks would decrease gun violence by stopping individuals who are prohibited from purchasing a gun from also obtaining ammunition.

“People looking to buy ammunition should be subject to the same requirements that are already in place for firearm sales,” said Attorney General Frosh. “This common sense legislation will close a gaping loophole and add another crucial piece to the strategy of reducing gun violence in our communities.”

Jaime’s Law is named after 14-year-old Jaime Guttenberg, one of 17 students and teachers killed in a mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. The bill would make it illegal for individuals who are already “prohibited purchasers” under federal law - including convicted felons, domestic abusers, and individuals with serious mental health conditions - to purchase or possess ammunition.

To enforce this requirement, individuals would either have to be licensed to own a firearm or undergo a background check to purchase ammunition. Federal law already places these requirements on firearms sales; extending those same requirements to ammunition can reduce gun violence and suicide.

Jaime’s Law is currently before the House Judiciary Committee. In their letter, the attorneys general ask the Committee to give the bill their support and urge the House and the Senate to ensure this important bill is passed to support law enforcement and public safety.

In addition to Maryland, the letter was signed by the attorneys general of California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington.


  1. I will enjoin anyone who wishes to rid Maryland from this a$$hole.

    1. Ummmmm. you might want to look up the definition of "enjoin"....I'm hoping that was a typo...

  2. Frosh the idiot is to stupid to realize if the criminal can get a weapon then they can get ammunition to. Where is the laws that punish criminals that use a weapon instead of laws coitizing law abiding citizens? They are Democrat voters that are killing people. MSM will not say that. Check the facts instead of what the "FAKE NEWS" wants you to believe.

  3. Add Knife sales and Alcohol sales and Cell Phones.

    Texting and driving actually kills more kids than school attacks, Drunk Drivers have killed more people than all of our wars combined. Knives are just inherently dangerous, they are designed to kill, stab, dismember, and cut.

  4. This guy is an idiot. Someone needs to take him outside and whoop his arse!

  5. They try everything they can. Stock up boys and girls.

  6. 6:12 They already have laws, they just won't follow them, stupid criminals who do they think they are, not going to follow the law!!!!!

  7. 8:28 you are an A-hole.

    1. @8:46 Ahhhh..yes...my years of practice have paid off...did you look up the definition?

  8. Who gets the lovely task of determining what a "serious mental health condition" is? A liberal doctor task force that thinks anyone who believes in God, or loves America is insane?
    The status quo gets to decide what category you are in. Right now the status quo thinks its OK to kill babies and get everything free (not knowing how to fund "free").

    I have a serious problem with the direction society is deviating. Be careful whom you let decide your fate because they are in control. We The People are not trying to shoot anyone unless it is in self-defense.

    Remember the people trying to take away your guns have security (with guns). They don't want a fence for you, but they have one protecting them. That should say enough!

  9. Its not a "loophole." If the person is currently prohibited from having a gun, then ammo won't do them any good, or any harm to the public. This is just another infringement on law abiding citizens. This is just an acknowledgement by Maryland politicians that gun control laws do not stop criminals from obtaining guns. Ammo control laws will be no different. These laws have the sole purpose of disarming law abiding citizens, and will have no effect on gun crimes.


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