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Thursday, September 26, 2019

At Least 60,000 Veterans Committed Suicide From '08-'17

At least 60,000 U.S. veterans have committed suicide over the span of a decade, according to a report released Friday by the Department of Veterans Affairs.

The report highlighted data from 2008 to 2017 and found the veteran suicide rate was 1.5 times the rate of non-veterans.

Firearms were the method of suicide in nearly 71% of male veteran deaths and 43.2% of female veteran suicide deaths in 2017.

There is "no all-encompassing explanation for suicide" says the VA's 2019 National Veteran Suicide Prevention Annual Report.



  1. The worse part of this is these people want to die, why don't they at least do us all a favor and take a Liberal or two with them?

  2. Not all, but many of these people realized they were killing people to support a treacherous Empire and worthless currency. War is a total racket that benefits the international bankers.

  3. 1:43 Exactly!!!! At least one other person in the city isn't so damn stupid after all...

    You people fail to realize that it was WWI that these ass hats saw the potential in war to make money for them, when they used it to help get out of the depression... Now they think it is the only way to make money!!!! It is only for the black market of gun sales, hint hint... how we just left all of our military gear over there, and all of a sudden, ISIS takes it and starts to use it... Hmmmm think about that....

  4. Anon 1:43 PM - It sounds like you've never worn a uniform that was rightfully earned. And the boys scouts doesn't count.

    It is truly tragic what these veterans have been put through. Some have "survivor's remorse" while others just long for the days where they felt that they were really useful and productive and truly stood for something. I felt that way myself many years ago. In the civilian world you are just a number or another worker bee. Unless you've been there then it is difficult to explain.

    Unless you've walked in there shoes, I feel that you should maybe think about what you are saying in such a general sense.

  5. 411
    I just read 1:43 and agree 100% with the comment.
    Those who volunteer are simply uninformed at the time.
    Many of them probably realize (Pat Tilman?) afterwards what the military is about and regret it.
    The government makes criminals out of people.

    Very sad indeed.

    We might be a good people, but the US government is evil incarnate.

  6. What a pile, I loved my time in Iraq, made great money and loved going out on patrols. The adrenaline rush of a gunfight, man ain't nothing like it. I got a degree after and a great job, and when I have dreams, it is of blowing away some rotten terrorist Muslim!
    Those were the best years of my life.

  7. The only people who know the terror of combat are those who have been through it. A great many vets have seen things that most civilians couldn’t imagine in their worst nightmare.
    I am not the least bit surprised that many vets have difficulty readjusting to civilization life or the high suicide rates. Some vets can not compartmentalize or isolate the horrors they have seen and it wears them out.
    It is the duty of our government to help in any way possible.

  8. The government doesn’t care about vets.
    Not at all

  9. This just shows what most of us gun owners have said, if it came to a civil war and they tried to use the army against us citizens, most of them don't have the stomach for it!


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