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Saturday, September 21, 2019

All Eyes on Ukraine: Deep State and Hillary Operatives Worked with Ukrainian Government to Take Down Trump

This is one of several articles posted at The Gateway Pundit on Ukrainian government collusion with the Hillary Campaign and Deep State to take down Donald Trump.
We are reposting today since Ukraine is back in the news.

Now that Congress has negotiated a deal for James Comey to testify, they need to buckle down and get ready to ask a hostile witness questions about a shocking, but undisputed, story.

In August, 2016 the government of Ukraine, who were working directly with James Comey’s FBI, released unsubstantiated accusations against Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort that led to his resignation five days later. Further, these allegations were made by a Ukrainian political operative working with two of Hillary Clinton’s billionaire financial backers.

This isn’t conspiracy theory or wild accusation. It’s the truth and it’s been hiding in plain sight since August, 2016. It was reported in the New York Times, albeit with significant omissions.


1 comment:

  1. Quit talking about Hillary and DO something about her. How long does it take? We have been waiting for years for something to happen to her for all her wrongdoing and to date, nothing. Put her in prison, hang her, put her before firing squad, something, just do it. Get it over with.


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