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Sunday, September 01, 2019

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Warns That ‘Diseases Could Escape’ From Frozen Glaciers Due To Climate Change

Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez told fans on a live stream Tuesday that if climate change isn’t stopped, glaciers could melt and expose humans to diseases tens of thousands of years old.

“There are a lot of diseases that are frozen in some of these glaciers that scientists fear that there is a potential that a lot of diseases could escape these melted glaciers,” Ocasio-Cortez said on Instagram Live.

“Things that were frozen for thousands of years, and that they’re going to get into our water, and that humans could contract them, and they’re going to be diseases that are thousands of years old that have vectors that we are not prepared for, that we have never seen,” she said, continuing, “Um…and so that’s a concern…Even if there are no diseases frozen at all in these glaciers, you have diseases that are spread by mosquitoes, and now mosquitoes are starting to fly further north that carry diseases like malaria, and a whole slew of other things.”



  1. This crazy b%/ch needs to go back to tending bar.

    1. and lap dancing 801

      she is nothing but a whore

  2. I believe her mind escaped from a frozen glacier.

  3. New science makes about as much as new math. The dumbing down of America.

  4. Plot twist scientists found a frozen garbage disposal in the melting ice.

  5. She's a one term wonder. No way she is re-elected

    1. 8:16 And one term will get her a government pension and the best free health insurance this country has for life

  6. I'm more concerned with the possibility of huge herds of radioactive mastodons being reanimated. Aaaieeeee!

  7. This story has got to be a parody. I mean, nobody could be that stupid.

  8. Attention all citizens,evacuate now! Mothra is attacking!

  9. Look up Dunning–Kruger effect. Then this BS makes sense. It's a disease of this generation caused by too many participation awards.

  10. No - the diseases of old are now coming back into the US from illegals at the Mexico border...

  11. She should really consider becoming a stand up comedian. Every time I just SEE her I bust out laughing!

  12. The only disease really we need to be afraid of is Cortez she has resorted to nothing but scare tactics and the voice of doom.

  13. She is confused about methane deposits escaping the frozen tundra. Methane is much more of a greenhouse effect compared to CO2

  14. Which MSM network is going to hire her after her 2020 loss?

  15. Diseases are coming from Congress , like HER !!!!

  16. sweetheart, disease from a glacier are not to be worried about, the disease that you should be concerned about are those that may be coming across the borders with the Illegals that you condone!

  17. The only disease really we need to be afraid of is Cortez she has resorted to nothing but scare tactics and the voice of doom.

    Wonder if Al Gore is paying her to peddle his bs?

  18. Malaria was once common here in Maryland Virgina Delaware around the Chesapeake and Delaware bay marshes up until the mid 1800's and well documented

  19. You clowns don't seem to realize she is backed by the science. That includes science out of NASA. You doofuses are surrounded by a world of information yet you choose to run from it.


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