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Sunday, September 01, 2019

A Viewer Writes.........


Thought you all might enjoy Jake Day's views of the next Inner Harbor." These are across from the Amphitheater location!


  1. This is the first impressions of the city. Should be a high priority, not the little old lady around the corner who can keep up with her 4" tall grass. Lets get this under control city!!!

  2. That’s where the amphibians sit to enjoy all of the live performances at the theatre duhhhh

  3. There is no way they will get everything done and looking nice for next week... This place is such a shit hole... If I didn't have to work here, I would never have to come to this dump... Even Cambridge as a dump is better than sby at its best...

  4. All this stuff is just so crazy!!! Instead of making new messes, fix what is already here!!!!!!!

  5. We all pass it every single day. We already know what it looks like.

    1. So we’re supposed to just ignore it because it’s so commonplace to you?

      This mess needs to be in the forefront of the news every single day until it’s rectified!

  6. Hope there aren't any geese he forgot about over there

  7. Just imagine you're in your 30's and live in a place like Annapolis. You've heard about the Folk Festival and you think, "maybe I'll go check that out"....now, go drive around Salisbury today with the eyes of someone who has never been here before- what would YOUR first impression be?

  8. Do you suppose the real reason for the extermination of the geese was for the Folk Festival ? So that the folks don't step in goose poop?

  9. 9:33 it's filled with morons just like the surrounding area. Why do you think anyone with a brain leaves?

    1. Thank you - I left after 10 years - was so disappointed in the slow grow. No good restaurants, neighbors who thought they were high society with their fancy cars, boats and RVs living off of Dad's coat tail. They just don't realize they are big fish in a little pond and that's all they have. By the way - all their toys were write-offs on tax returns due to Daddy's business. Hated Fruitland.

  10. And yet I got a citation for a little grass coming through the cracks in the sidewalk in front of my house! What a crock of poop!!

  11. My first impression is, what a shithole, I'm getting out of here, just like when you get lost in a city and drive thru the slums.

  12. Jake Day is on the City of 'Bury's FB page blaming this on the State Highway contractors, but don't worry Jake says he let the State know about their contractors. LMFAO!! He will say anything to win this upcoming election.

    Vote Wayne King for Mayor!

  13. Anonymous said...
    This is the first impressions of the city. Should be a high priority, not the little old lady around the corner who can keep up with her 4" tall grass. Lets get this under control city!!!

    August 29, 2019 at 8:09 AM

    They see this $hit and then they see the Ghetto mural on the wall so what do you think visitors think of Ghetto'Bury, Maryland?

    Jake Day, you are a disgrace to all of Salisbury and Wicomico County.

  14. Yep, Jake Day is "doing great things for Salisbury."

  15. No Public Works Department. Poor leadership.

    1. Most public work employees come here a whine and cry instead of doing their jobs. When their bosses make them work. They come here and BITCH and CRY some more. RIGHT COREY???

  16. When they start repaving the awful city roads instead of spending money on things not needed like a roundabout, then maybe I can change my opinion about the local people in office. Take care of needed things before spending on painting gay crosswalks, ampitheatres and the like. We left Salisbury several years ago and will never return, however we do visit family and friends here so we are subjected to things that are in dire need of repair.

  17. Day seems to have political ADD. To many half baked ideas and "projects".

  18. @11:28 it's Jake day's butt buddy Stevenson at it again!! Is there anywhere they can stick this guy without his incompetence coming to the front?

  19. City of Salisbury government where it's not what you know but who you BL*W!! Another subpar performance by a city department head

  20. If I came here from someplace decent I'd make a big ole U turn and get the hell outta here as fast as I could.

  21. Notice several men cutting grass there a little while ago...sure didn't look like city employees. is the city hiring people without propper lic. and ins. to mow the grass there? Sure looked like it!

  22. That's a building site and the reason for the black plastic environmental barrier. The grass doesn't need to be mowed down if the site is being prepped for construction. Get a life and quit trying to make up a non-existant issue.

    1. Is there any place in Salisbury that's not being prepped for construction?

  23. Well right after this post guess what the grass got cut and they tore down the chain link fence and black barrier but lousy job it was a cut through with the grass cut no weed eater work weeds still there and the tall scraggly trees in the background still there and weeds all the way up to the RR tracks. Was this job of clean up done by a 12 year old?

  24. Good luck wading through the sewage river water when the downtown floods out this weekend, LMFAO!!

  25. The only part cut was a narrow path of grass--the rest of it still looks DEPLORABLE--The pictures still show what the Festival attendants will see and we only have 3 days. Jake you can't possibly clean this mess up in the pictures, Main Street, the medians with 5' tall weeds, 5" weeds along the RR tracks, ramshackle trees never trimmed, Rt 13 along the festival full of pot holes and bumps, and sloppy repair jobs-- it looks like the movie Deliverance anyone remember that one! I hope pictures of this festival make it to Baltimore or your favorite the Inner Harbor and beyond. I hope your buddy Hogan checks it out, he will cut you loose real quick. The Army Corp of Engineers, every City dept in Salisbury, and the Marines don't have enough time to bail you out of this one. Thanks for helping Wayne King become our next mayor I can't thank you enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  26. It will be labeled the flood festival after all the rain makes its way into the bay and tributaries and eventually flood out Salisbury like it normally does!


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