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Thursday, August 22, 2019

WATCH: De Blasio video appearance has unfortunate audio glitch

A series of unfortunate events plagued New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s appearance at a labor event.

The 2020 presidential candidate was supposed to appear in person in Iowa at an AFL-CIO event on Wednesday, but had his flight canceled to due weather.

He then appeared via video, but an audio glitch made the mayor sound like he had inhaled helium.



  1. I feel so sorry for him. Could not have happened to a more deserving person

  2. WHERE is the Investigation into his wife stealing $800.000 .

  3. De Blasio probably did inhale helium or something else. Don't trust him real jerk should not have been mayor of NY much less presidential candidate for 2020. He doesn't have a clue, LOOSER!

  4. Another person changed his name to sound different.

  5. DeBozo cracks me up. Cracks me the F up...


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