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Thursday, August 01, 2019

Two Mississippi state troopers are facing criticism online after video


  1. That would have been different had there been no body cams.

  2. Criticism ? This culture thinks they can argue about anything . Let them criticize , they have done nothing wrong except not beating the hell out of this idiot and his female loud mouth.

  3. Do what PoPo asked you to do, and all this could have been avoided!

  4. That arguing back and forth sealed his fait.

  5. They have an absolute right to arrest. Reckless endangerment with the speed and transporting a passenger at that speed, resisting arrest and failure to obey a lawful order.

  6. I saw nothing wrong with this he was doing 101 and the loud mouth pig says you are supposed to protect. they were protecting other drivers from this a hole doing 101 in 65 mph zone,always the victim mentality. It's simple follow the law and listen to cops who pull you over.

  7. She right. They ain't have to do all that. Should have comied when he asked the 1st 30 times to get on the ground or give him his hands. Some people always think they are above the law.

  8. The Trooper showed respect and told the party what to do and why
    Play stupid games win a stupid prize
    She should be charged with hindering as well

  9. SMH, critics of the Police actions always forget how and why it got to that point. If he had complied in a peaceful manner instead of resisting it would have never come to that.

  10. It is a shame when idiots do not respect the law. They should both have been tased. At least put duct tape over the females loud mouth.

  11. Everybody wants to act like they know the law. The driver was given a lawful order. He failed to comply. End of story. Good job Troopers.


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