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Thursday, August 08, 2019

Tucker: Like the Russia Hoax, the Narrative About White Supremacy in America Is a Conspiracy Theory

Over the weekend two mass shootings were carried out by individuals with differing political opinions. One man, who targeted El Paso, was a white supremecist. The other, who attacked in Dayton, a supporter of Elizabeth Warren. Because his white supremacy motive matches the leftist media narrative about the status of America, the man from El Paso has been getting most of the attention.

But is white supremacy really a growing threat in the United States? Or is it hardly a threat at all.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson isn't buying the accusation that America has a white supremacy problem. Neither is Victor Davis Hanson.



  1. Thank you Tucker, finally someone who sees the lefts agenda!!!

  2. OATH KEEPERS for LIFEAugust 8, 2019 at 7:33 PM

    The left is scared.....as they were before 2016.....

    that President Trump would win

    well.....President Trump will win in a landslide in 2020

    the left....as they are doing now
    will create disturbances to try to demoralize us

    hang in there Patriot Deplorables

    Calvary is on the way....

    .bugles blowing ....

  3. The Caucasian race is the only race (besides Chinese) who could challenge the powerful minority race who dominates the planet.

    Therefore the attack is upon Caucasian race. This is a situation in which the dominated do not realize what is happening although they are beginning to feel the pain of its consequence.

    The dominant race, who are in a vast minority worldwide, have amassed tremendous wealth and power having the legal authority by all governments to print currency from thin air.

    It is an amazing time to be alive. No minority group has ever attained this much power in history.

  4. Has to be a New Witch-Hunt every week from the Demon-crats !!!!

  5. Russia interfering in our elections is a hoax also,voting machines not connected to the internet.

  6. Joe, you really should check out our RINO Eastern Shore State Senator Steve Hershey. He really has lost it and attacked Tucker Carlson. His Liberal True Colors are really Showing. He is one of the Jack A$$es that supported RINO Hogan on the Red Flag Law along with RINO's Carl Anderton, Mary Beth Carrozza and Chris Adams. I'm thinking the way this RINO idiot is sucking up to Hogan and the Dems is that he is getting cocky and thinking he has a chance at being the next Governor? He has been constantly attacking Trump and now Tucker Carlson and siding with Hogan. Time to remove him as the Minority Whip and make sure he doesn't get re-elected.
    Steve Hershey
    Maryland state Senator representing District 36 - Caroline, Cecil, Kent and Queen Anne's Counties. Senate Minority Whip.

    Steve Hershey
    Aug 4
    I’m done with the thoughts and prayers. I’m done with the phony outrage from scores of politicians. I’m angry. I’m horrified. I’m devastated. Our American culture is suffering. Let’s call this what it is: A white nationalist committed an act of terrorism.

    Steve Hershey
    Aug 4
    Why are so many politicians afraid to call a spade a spade? White supremacy & white nationalism is on the rise in America. And now it has manifested into mass shootings. A pattern becomes a data point. We know the who, the what & the why; we have to prevent the next when & where.

    Steve Hershey
    Aug 5
    Mr. President: The El Paso gunman is a wicked man. He’s also a terrorist and a he’s a white nationalist. The first step in solving any problem is admitting that we have one. We have a white nationalist and white supremacy problem in America. Call it out,
    Steve Hershey
    Aug 6
    @TuckerCarlson: I realize your advertising dollars are running thin these days and you have to say outrageous garbage on the air each night for a reaction. White supremacy is not a hoax and it’s certainly not fake. It’s real; it’s here - and it’s a problem. Get a grip, man.
    Quote Tweet

    Aug 6
    Tucker Carlson Mocks Media Concern About White Supremacy: 'It's Actually Not a Real Problem in America' (link: http://mediaite.com/a/zimza) mediaite.com/a/zimza

    Steve Hershey
    Aug 6
    The 1990’s were some good years - but the 90’s can have back its “video games are the root cause of gun violence” rationalizations. Enough of these mealy-mouthed excuses. We have a cultural problem in America. I’m so tired of the intellectual dishonesty.

    Steve Hershey
    Aug 6
    Why is it that when a Republican like myself - a proud conservative, a small businessman, middle- class guy - speaks out on gun violence and cultural corrosion, some of these hard partisans begin to assume I’ve transformed into a “leftwing agent?” Thats nuts.

    Steve Hershey
    Aug 6
    We cannot allow our political system to be co-opted by irrational partisan hacks. There is nothing more American than putting aside partisanship and working with people - not political parties - to end mass shootings. We’ve got to get past the politics and work together.

    Steve Hershey
    Aug 7
    A few days ago I called out white supremacy. Now, apparently, that makes me a “RINO” in the eyes of some. This is what I was talking about - the toxicity of politics. I could have given you a better picture of me for your article,

    Steve Hershey
    Aug 7
    To some of my Republican friends attacking me today for my recent comments on gun violence and its causes: I’m going to work with you, too, to ensure your families are safe from gun violence. I’m going to continue to fight for all responsible gun owners.

  7. Absolutely.
    I'm convinced that someone, like Geoergy Soros, is behind the lightning fast shifting of narratives that the MSM manufactures every day. I wish our car factories could re-tool that quickly.
    First, it was Russian collusion, then racism, then vermin extermination, then back to racism. What will next weeks episode of "Liberal Identity Political Propoganda" be?
    You know it must come from a centralized source because the narrative hits every news outlet at precisely the same time. Individuals can form like opinions that quickly.
    It's like a bio-weapon released in every city on the same day. It's hard to combat.

  8. The liberal left collective heads must be about to explode. Biden looks like an idiot ("We choose truth over facts"), Booker's bulbous eyes make him look insane, Bernie looks like some kind of mad scientist in a lab, Beto sounds and looks like a doofus, Warren could be a model for bobbleheads, and the rest are just plain insignificant. These loons are running out of excuses and time is growing short to put some "meat on the table". These latest demonic assassinations are not the work of white supremacists the NRA or President Trump. These people were mentally deranged and the experts missed the signs that were right in front of them.

  9. Maryland Senator Steve Hershey and RINO Hogan want your guns. They join teams with Jake Day and Manure Bota in talking about more gun laws.

    When you have Republicans agreeing to gun confiscation it is over for this country.


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